anastasia lux

New solar panels at New Dosey Township Town Hall added October 2011

Little Library for Cloverton
Weekenders Carole and Ron Hessler built this adorable Little Library for Cloverton. People can leave a book, then take a book to read.




Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors Beverly Carlin and Jason Fornengo, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Dave Baker (Tri-Township Disposal District Representative) and Don Eddy (Lawn Mower Operator).

There was no public input.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Agenda.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Minutes of September 12, 2018, with an amended typo.  Carried.

Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report.  It was apparent that the Road & Bridge Fund has a balance in the red.  Road repair work done on the huge washout on Rocky Blvd. was very expensive- it involved purchasing a large culvert, having that culvert installed, then repairing the rest of that section of road.  Chair Fornengo reminded the Board that he has applied to FEMA for reimbursement for this expense since it was due to a massive flood at the end of May.  Clerk Levings distributed a sheet stating what monies will still be coming in this year and what anticipated Road & Bridge expenses may be for the rest of 2018.   Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to cash in CD# 2016 in the amount of $28.000 and transfer that money to the Road & Bridge Fund. Carried.


General-                                                          $12,114.11

Road & Bridge-                                               ($6,266.98)

Cemetery/Landscaping-                                 $2,279.82

Fire Protection-                                               $13,950.13

Fire Hall-                                                         $125.45

Driveways-                                                      $6,043.95

Savings Account-                                             $1,163.09

CDs-                                                                 $47,310.70

TOTAL-                                                            $76,720.29


#34761            Northview Bank-Interest- Checking               $6.45

#34762            Northview Bank-Interest-Savings                   $.29

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.


#6943  Town of Blaine            Roadside Brushing-2017                     $2100.00

#6944  Town of Wilma           Heller Road Work                                $516.60

#6945  Dave Baker-                Disposal Dis. Rep.                                $50.00

#6946  Deleted-Clerical Error

#6947  Roberts Excavating     Road Work                                          $16,125.00

#6948  AT&T                           Telephone/Internet                             $96.84

#6949  ECE                              Electricity                                            $60.00

#6950  Don Eddy                     Lease & Gas-Mowing-2 months          $150.00

#6951  Fran Levings                Mileage-2 trips                                   $61.20

#6952  U.S. Treasury               3rd Qtr. Taxes                                      $794.63


Beverly Carlin                         Supervisor                                           $100.00

Don Eddy                                 Lawn Mower Operator                       $150.00

Dave Fornengo                        Town Chair                                         $245.00

Jason Fornengo                       Supervisor                                           $100.00

Mandy Fornengo                     Treasurer                                            $120.00

Fran Levings                            Clerk, NPAHD                                      $480.00

Frank Rehberger                     Grader Operator                                 $100.00

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to pay these bills.  Carried.


  1. Dates to remember-  (1) Oct. 27-Pine County Township Officers meeting- Hinckley VFW- 9 am (2) Oct. 30-Pine County Board/Township Officers meeting- Courthouse- 6pm.  (3) December 8- All- Community Get-Together- 5:30pm-Potluck
  2. Clerk completed and mailed information requested by American Transparency. Under the Data Practices Ace, she negotiated the terms of the process with assistance from an attorney with MAT.
  3. She issued a call for New Dosey Township volunteer firefighters.
  4. She reminded the Board that at least one supervisor must be trained and certified as a Board of Appeal representative before April-2019.


  1. Before signing off on the 2018 Road Work order, Chair Fornengo said he would request a list from Roberts Excavating of all road work done this year and have the list for the November Board meeting.
  2. NPAHD report- Rep. Levings distributed a handout “Pine County Profile”. Ambulance services director Joe Newman had presented an excellent overview of his department at the Sept. NPAHD meeting.  The family of a deceased person donated $5000 to Essentia for a memorial in her honor and a “Memory Garden” is being planned.


  1. Tri-Township Disposal District Report- Rep. Dave Baker reported that the District has a new garbage truck.  The old truck had become very expensive to maintain.  The District used the funds of a CD to make the purchase.  Supervisor Carlin asked if the District planned to trade the new truck in after a certain number of years.  Baker responded that this particular truck is “state of the art” and may not be traded in for quite a while.  Chair Fornengo recommended the District develop a 5-year plan regarding the new truck.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair ________________________   Date __________________


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