All monthly minutes that are posted are unapproved and can change/edit at any point prior and at the following meeting.  Unapproved Minutes will be posted prior to next monthly meeting.


Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were the following: Supervisor’s Jason Canesi & Anthony Fornengo, Clerk Tamara Miritello, Treasurer Wayne Hessler, and NPAHD Robin Fornengo.

Pledge of Allegiance


                Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to approve the May 9th, 2023 agenda. (Carried 3-0)

                Motion by Jason Canesi, second by Anthony Fornengo, to approve the minutes from April 11th, 2023 meeting. (Carried 3-0)

Treasurer’s Report and Cash Balance Statement – tabled (Carried 3-0)

                Books are still being worked on by MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) and Clerk Tamara Miritello and Wayne Hessler

Clerk Tamara Miritello prepared and presented the Claims and Payroll list for approval.


                AT&T                                                     Phone/Internet MAY 2023                                           $97.55

                ECE                                                         Electric MAY 2023                                                            $58.00

                Ziegler Cat                                          Service and Parts                                                             $3,203.01

                Robin Fornengo                               Townhall supplies                                                           $5.75

                Northstar Media                              Notice for change of meeting                                    $19.50

                Jason Fornengo                                Parts                                                                                      $164.54

                                                                                                                                                     TOTAL            $3,548.35


Jason Canesi                                                                                                                      $215.00

Dave Fornengo                                                                                                                 $335.00

Anthony Fornengo                                                                                                          $215.00

Robin Fornengo                                                                                                               $60.00

Wayne Hessler                                                                                                                 $100.00

Jason Fornengo                                                                                                                $1,400.00

Tamara Miritello                                                                                                             $185.00

                                                                                                                TOTAL                $2,510.00

Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)


  1. MAT trainer is still working on our books –
  2. Township Legal Sept. 16th, 2023 – Rutledge
  3. Culvert price sheet update on file
  4. Mail in Ballot 2024 –
    1. County wants to know if we want to remain a mail in district. Board would like to stay the same and keep New Dosey Township as a mail in district.
  5. Preliminary Damage assessment – April flood – we don’t have much to claim from April floods. All damage is from the December 2022 winter storm.


    1. Road Review under New Business
  2. Grader update
    1. Sand in filter from previous owner. Had tank pulled and steamed out and it’s good to go. Dave will fix lights.
    1. Looking for a buyer for the old grader. Board is looking to list themselves for a few months, and if no offers, might ship to auction.
  3. Plow Truck will have lights fixed this month.
  4. Bridge deck was cleaned off and Dave Fornengo reported cracks in the deck that will need to be cleaned out and filled/sealed.


  1. NPAHD ReportRobin Fornengo
    1. Dr. Witt – Admin from Moose Lake will be retiring soon
    1. Staffing improving
      1. 8FT doctors and 2 new general Surgeons will be moving to the area
    1. The Duluth Campus new additions include
      1. Private rooms
      1. Meals delivered by robots
    1. Free CNA class paid by the Hospital District.
  2. Road Review
  3. Dave will make calls to see who can get started. Should be few days of trucking and spreading.  Work will be done on road use priority.

                                                                 Red Maple lane- road brushing and cleaning ASV  

                                                                Kingsdale- roadside brushing 5-6 loads class 5 at the intersection of                                                                                                     Kingsdale and Omans Drive. 10-12 loads in washout from intersection of rocky Blvd. south to cones

 Omans Drive- roadside brushing

 Rocky Blvd- roadside brushing

 Adolph Drive- roadside brushing

 Coveau Lane-

 Highland Drive-

 McDermott- roadside brushing (Jason) 2-3 loads west of Stop sign at wash outs, min maintenance part needs road clearing 12 loads pit run west of min maintenance sign at wash outs, clean bridge and broom 

 Timbe Ridge- fix stop sign, road side clearing, Roadside brushing 

Bee Hive- road side brushing

Little Fawn- roadside brushing

White tail- roadside brushing

Hay Creek South of 32- roadside clearing low priority.  Township needs to mark trees. 

Hay Creek North of 32- roadside clearing, replace stop sign. 

 Squib Creek- roadside clearing 2-3 loads class 5 from Hay Creek Rd. on washed out area, 

Wildcat Lane- roadside brushing

Doyal Road- roadside brushing 

Matt Lourey North- nothing

Matt Lourey South- road brushing

Creek View- fix washout- 4-5 loads of class 5.  Fix sign, need splice and bolts/nuts. 

Enderstrom – 1 load class 5 at wash out near Co RD 32

Loggers Lane-

School House- replace minimum maintenance sign, 4-6 loads class 5 at culvert in swap 1/4 mile west of 62965 to 62965.

  Little Ox- road side clearing, two loads class 5 east of 62009 at culvert.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi to approve the following Road Review (Carried 3-0)

  • Clean up day at the New Dosey Cemetery – 9am May 20th, 2023 @9am meet at the town hall.
  • Wayne Hessler has been sworn in as New Dosey Treasurer.
  • Hire Lawncare for 2023 season.

Anything else to come to the board? – NONE

Next meeting is Tuesday, June 13, 2023 @6:00PM

Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tamara L Miritello, Clerk