Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were the following: Supervisor’s Jason Canesi & Anthony Fornengo, Clerk Tamara Miritello, and Treasurer Wayne Hessler.
John and Karen Mishler joined us from the community.
Pledge of Allegiance
Karen was wanting information on the cemetery plots. (We will contact her with that information with in the next week or two)
Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to approve the June 13th, 2023 agenda. (Carried 3-0)
Motion by Jason Canesi, second by Anthony Fornengo, to approve the minutes from May 9th, 2023 meeting. (Carried 3-0)
Treasurer’s Report and Cash Balance Statement – tabled (Carried 3-0)
We have the go from the MN State Auditor to close out 2021 books.
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Anthony Fornengo to write off the difference between both systems. Wayne’s balance of -$1,034.86 and Tamara’s balance of $-337.46 the difference between both systems is $697.40. Ending balance in the bank on December 31st, 2021 is $53,392.34. With the assistance of the office of MN State Auditor 2021 will be closed and can move forward on 2022. (Carried 3-0)
Clerk Tamara Miritello prepared and presented the Claims and Payroll list for approval.
AT&T Phone/Internet JUNE 2023 $97.55
ECE Electric JUNE 2023 $54.00
Ziegler Cat Service and Parts $2,637.02
Robin Fornengo Townhall supplies $185.81
Brandon Fornengo Tree Removal $8,500.00
David Fornengo June 2023 Mower Rental & gas $75.00
Jason Canesi Reimbursement for fuel – Road Review $40.80 TOTAL $11,590.18
Jason Canesi $100.00
Dave Fornengo $195.00
Anthony Fornengo $100.00
Lidia Fornengo $275.00
Robin Fornengo $20.00
Wayne Hessler $100.00
Tamara Miritello $185.00
Doug Wiita $912.50
TOTAL $2,1887.5
Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)
- Township Legal Sept. 16th, 2023 – Rutledge
- Election update –
- Effective July 1st, as long as a felon is not currently incarcerated, they can vote and people who are 16 & 17 years old, can pre-register to vote.
- Forms will be available at the townhall.
- 2022 Population and Household Estimate
- Population Est. 77
- Household Est. 31
- Thank you card from Seven County Senior Federation for the service contract donation for 2023. A note was added to contact them if anyone can use their service to help with Social Security or Medicare questions.
- County wants to know if we want to remain a mail in district. Board would like to stay the same and keep New Dosey Township as a mail in district.
- A few culverts were added to road projects and a few extra loads of gravel to McDermott Creek Road.
- Hire lawnmower
- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi to hire Lidia Fornengo to mow the cemetery and townhall for the season of 2023. (Carried 3-0)
- NPAHD Report –
- Dave Fornengo has tried to get ahold of the property owner on McDermott Creek Road to see if the township could access their property to remove the beaver dam that has water blocked up that comes over the road. He has not heard back as of yet.
- Old grader has been listed for sale $12,000.00
Anything else to come to the board? – NONE
Next meeting is Tuesday, July 12th, 2023 @6:00PM
Meeting adjourned at 6:30PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara L Miritello, Clerk