Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were the following: Supervisor’s Dave Baker & Anthony Fornengo, Clerk Tamara Miritello and NPAHD Representative Fran Levings. Treasurer Wayne Hessler was absent. Scott and Julie Trenholm from the public.
- Wanted to know about garbage service and reported a culvert issue.
Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the agenda. (Carried 3-0)
Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the minutes from March 9th, 2022 meeting. (Carried 3-0)
Treasurer’s Report and Cash Balance Statement – tabled (Carried 3-0)
Books are still being worked on by MAT trainer
Clerk Tamara Miritello prepared and presented the Claims and Payroll list for approval.
CLAIMS – April 2022
AT&T Phone/Internet April 2022 $98.00
Fran Levings Moderator $20.00
Jason Fornengo Roadside Brushing $2,700.00
NorthStar Media Notice for Elections $21.94
ECE Electric April 2022 $63.00
Dave Baker Tri-Township Disposal $50.00
Bruno Deep Rock Fuel – Plowing $77.21
US Treasury 1st Qtr. Taxes $859.10
TOTAL $3,889.25
PAYROLL – April 2022
Dave Baker $200.00
Anthony Fornengo $200.00
Dave Fornengo $250.00
Fran Levings $90.00
Tamara Miritello $350.00
TOTAL $1,090.00
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Anthony Fornengo, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)
- MAT trainer is still working on our books.
- Filed for MN State Year End Audit extension per Nicole from MAT
- 2022 Open Book Board of Appeal and Equalization
- April 21st, 2022 @ 3pm North Pine Government Center
- Pine County Tax Forfeited Land Sale
- Board was not interested and county can sell
- MAT has training in Duluth
- Clerk & Treasurers 4/13
- Looking for Deputy Clerk
- Road Work -Road Review set for 8am, Tuesday, May 10th, 2022.
- County Assessing – County will be doing property assessing as Bob Brewster is retiring.
- NPAHD Report – Fran Levings
- The district approved a grant request from Essentia -Sandstone to purchase a second Tele-Sitter for $10,000. Vote was 8-7
The district has discontinued plans for a Memory Garden on the campus. We deemed it to be too expensive, too steeped in regulations at the state level and the project did not have full support of Essentia-Sandstone. Dr. Tom Witt, Essentia Administrator suggested designing and building a “walking path” instead. We are taking that under advisement.
The EMR course being sponsored by the district have been filled by 15 applicants.
Anything else to come to the board? – NONE
Next meeting is May 11th, 2022 @7:30PM
Meeting adjourned at 8:17PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara L Miritello, Clerk Also, Signed by the Chair_______________________________________