Board Meeting, January 14, 2008


Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were supervisor Don Mishler, treasurer Vicki Elliott, clerk Fran Levings, Glen Williamson, Todd Elliott, Jan Profitt and Ed Profitt. Absent was supervisor Dave Baker.

Glen Williamson presented the township website which he has set up.

Motion by Don Mishler, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2007, meeting. Carried.

Treasurer Vicki Elliott presented the treasurer’s report. (Attached to supervisors’ printed copy and clerk’s copy on file in the town hall.) Balances in funds are:

General Fund $39,509.09

Road & Bridge Fund $2,346.18

Cemetery Fund $221.52

Fire Protection Fund 0.00

Fire Hall Fund $309.07

CDs Balance $89,095.15

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the treasurer’s report. Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List for Approval and the Net Employee Pay List. (Attached to supervisors’ printed copy and to clerk’s copy on file in the town hall)

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to pay these bills. Carried.


1. Election filings- Fran Levings has filed for the 2-year term of clerk.

Don Mishler and Ed Carlin have filed for the 3-year term of supervisor.

2. There will be a Board of Audit meeting prior to the next regularly scheduled town board meeting on Feb. 11th. The Board of Audit is composed of the 3 supervisors. At 7 p.m. on Feb. 11th, they will audit the records of the clerk and treasurer for 2007.

3. Township insurance coverage was increased as of Dec. 14, 2007, to town hall coverage at $80,000.00 and Firehall/garage coverage at $50,000.00

4. New Safe at Home election rules provide for privacy of address for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking who fear for their safety .

5. All year-end reports have been completed- W2s to accountant, Worker’s Compensation audit to Minnesota Ass’n of Townships, and year-end work with township treasurer.


1. Worked on a possible violation of our minor-subdivision ordinance in the Kingsdale area. Learned that there is no violation.

2. Clerk made some phone calls and sent letters to property owners who may need a land use permit for structures that she just became aware of.


1. Plowing Private Drives- Dave Fornengo distributed copies of policies from 3 other townships. Vicki Elliott reported on a phone message left by Jim Wilson complaining that his driveway was not plowed and he had to walk a long way in snow. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to refund his $70.00. Carried. The clerk was asked to send a letter to all persons on the “Plowing Private Drives” list explaining that an accumulation of 4 inches must fall before the plow goes out, town roads are prioritized, and the drivers do not start plowing until the snow has stopped falling. Dave Fornengo volunteered to work with Dave Baker on drafting a new policy to be put before the annual meeting in March.

2. Don Mishler and Fran Levings reported that the Hanson-Henderson-Township lawsuit is still in mediation.


1. Discussion of proposed road work for 2008- Ed Profit said he has pit-run gravel that he would sell for $6.50/yard. Clerk Levings reminded the board that the MN Ass’n of Townships says that work of more than $10,000 must go out on bids. Dave Fornengo said that after the annual road review, the board will decide on whether or not to divide the work up and how it would be divided if they do divide the work between Todd Elliott Excavation and Ed Profit.

2. Dave Fornengo announced that ECE brushing clearing will begin in our township this year.

3. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the following list of judges for the March township election: Evelyn Johnson (head judge), Emma Fornengo, and Helen Allen.

Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.


Chair ___________________________________

Date ____________________________________