Board Meeting, November 10, 2008


Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Dave Fornengo, Also present were Supervisors Don Mishler and Dave Baker, Treasurer Vicki Elliott, Clerk Fran Levings, Joe Alberio, Trail & Waterways Specialist, Al Wolf and Todd Elliott.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on October 15, 2008, as printed. Carried

Joe Alberio, Trail & Waterways Specialist with the Department of Natural Resources, Moose Lake, Minnesota made and presentation and answered questions. He said that with the elimination of the Pine County Land Department, there will be more work for the State now. State forest trails are closed now for deer rifle season. He said a study is being conducted about opening the Munger Trail to ATVs and motorcycles in addition to snowmobiles. The state is looking at the environmental impact of this move. He provided a map of the Munger Trail in New Dosey Township (attached to file copy of these minutes). He asked if the Munger Trail was on the right-of-way on township roads. Dave Baker responded that the question of whether or not roads are township roads is a problem for the Township. Supervisor Baker went on to explain the proposed legislation the Board has submitted to the Mn Ass’n of Townships for review. Dave Fornengo suggested treating the Munger Trail as a “minimum maintenance” road. Mr. Alberio said the State would have assistance available. Dave Baker explained what the Township did about opening up 1 and ½ miles on the School House Road. Mr. Alberio said that the State has an interest in having the Munger Trail be public access. He asked if roads could be gated. Dave Baker said not if a road is considered to be a town road. Mr. Alberio said the State must have an agreement with the Township on the status of the Munger Trail. Dave Fornengo expressed a concern that landowners on the Munger Trail going south of Hwy. 32 would ask for plowing from the Township if this part of the Munger Trail is diverted. Mr. Alberio said he will send an agreement from the State to the Township to be placed on a future agenda. The Board thanked him for his time and input.

Treasurer Vicki Elliott presented the Treasurer’s Report. (Attached to file copy)

Fund Balances are: General Fund $22,831.55

Road & Bridge (7,027.99)

Cemetery (186.62)

Fire Protection (3,500.00)

Fire Hall 309.07

Cartway-Proffit, 4739.09

CDs $70.079.23

Discussion ensued as to the financial shortfalls of the Township. Treasurer Elliott said that 2 state finance deposits and the second half of the property taxes will come in before the end the year. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings then presented a preliminary budget report. She said there are too many variables at this time to prepare a line item budget- the levy was raised for 2009, therefore, we will have more income and the gas tax will rise in 2009. She suggested making some changes at the annual meeting. These could include publishing notices in only one newspaper, lowering the amount given for Contracts for Services, a salary freeze, and implementing a mail-in voting procedure for elections. Treasurer Vicki Elliott said she will bring information on the Perpetual Care program that Arna Township uses for its cemetery expenses.

Clerk Levings presented the Claims List for Approval and the Net Pay for Employees list (Attached to file copy) Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to pay these bills. Carried.


1. Presidential election results for our township: McCain- 26 votes, Obama-14

votes, Nader-1 vote. (The entire township summary sheet is on file at the town hall).

2. 28 persons have paid to have private drives plowed this winter.


1. Land Use permit # 60 was issued to Robert Flipp (one of the Hessler cabins) to put on an addition.

2. Sent letter to Don Sears about moving a building on to his property on the Rash Road.


1. Allen Wolf distributed handouts on the wind velocity in our town site.

2. Todd Elliott reported that all of the required road work for 2008 has been done except for some ditching.

3. Dave Fornengo reported that the fuel containment device has been delivered to the town hall.


1. Dave Baker reported that the proposed legislation of the Township was approved by the Pine County Township Officers at their Oct. 25, 2008, meeting. Clerk Levings reported that she learned at the meeting that the Arrowhead Transit Company will begin bus service from Cloverton, Duxbury, and Markville to Sandstone and Pine City in January, 2009. The bus will come out here on Tuesdays. She also said that PHASE will be doing the recycling for the County now.

2. Dave Baker reported that he, Micheal Hanson and Don Proffit, met with a Wetlands Consultant,Jim Warren, from Duluth on November 6th . Supervisor Baker gave the following information to the Board and will present it again at the next Cartway Hearing. Mr. Warren found considerable problems with Option # 1. He then examined the route suggested by Jerry Hanson (a combination of Options 1 & 2). He said mitigation here would be at a minimum. He said the Township could re-assert an interest in the old town road. It is possible that the Town’s interest in the cartway could alleviate the costs of mitigation. Supervisor Baker plans to consult with attorney Jay Squires about this. The work itself could be done with wheelers, etc. The cartway could be built in such a way as to minimize the effects of construction on the wetlands. This route, however, stops at Don Proffit’s property. Something would have to be constructed then to get to Jerry Hanson’s property. Mr. Warren not only looked at the wetlands situation, but also at how the cartway would be built- it should be built with little wetlands impact. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to set the next Cartway Hearing for December 6th (subject to change) at 10 a.m. in the Town Hall. Carried. The clerk will notify the participants.

Meeting adjourned at 10:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair ___________________________

Date signed ______________________________________
