Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also presents were the following: Supervisor’s Dave Baker & Anthony Fornengo, Treasurer Wayne Hessler, Clerk Tamara Miritello, NPAHD Representative Fran Levings and resident Don Eddy. Absent was Deputy Clerk Samantha Gardner.
Fran had Jan Streiff added to the New Dosey Honor Roll plaque.
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the agenda. (Carried 3-0)
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Anthony Fornengo, to approve the minutes from August 11th, 2021 meeting. (Carried 3-0)
Treasurer’s Report and Cash Balance Statement
GENERAL FUND $80,927.99
ROAD & BRIDGE $-28,441.76
FIRE HALL $125.45
DRIVEWAYS $8,814.75
TOTAL $80,832.09
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Anthony Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. (Carried 3-0)
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Anthony Fornengo, to pay expenses for MAT trainer to help Clerk and Treasurer with CTAS. (Carried 3-0)
Clerk Tamara Miritello prepared and presented the Claims and Payroll list for approval.
Jason Fornengo Roadside Brushing $1,800.00
Jason Fornengo Lawnmowing Rental $100.00
Marty’s Pest Control Pest control $125.00
AT&T Phone/Internet September 2021 $98.02
ECE September 2021 Electric $61.00
NAPA August Statement $309.93
Roberts Excavating Road work 2021 Inv. 1749 $33,365.00
TOTAL $35,858.95
RECEIPTS- August 2021
Northview Bank Interest – Checking $3.37
Pine County Treasurer Taxes 2020 $9,506.60
Deloris Schirmer Snowplowing 2021 $150.00
Lucy Hager Donation $30.00
TOTAL $9,689.97
PAYROLL – September 2021
Dave Baker $100.00
Anthony Fornengo $100.00
Dave Fornengo $125.00
Jason Fornengo $80.00
Wayne Hessler $80.00
Fran Levings $65.00
Tamara Miritello $225.00
Doug Wiita $587.50
TOTAL $1,362.50
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Anthony Fornengo, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)
- Hager party left a $30.00 donation
- Application for ARP funds has been submitted.
- Pine County Board of Commissioners is holding a Committee of the Whole Meeting. September 14th, 2021 in Sandstone or by ZOOM.
- County is looking for 2022 Levy info – No new levy for 2022
- Land & Cabins updated prices for culverts
- Township Legal Seminar – September 25th 2021
- Thank you card for donation to Family Pathways
- Marty’s pest control – renewal
- Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve Marty’s Pest Control to continue service in 2022.
- Clerk will be working on 2022 Budget.
- Road Work/Roadside Brushing
- Creekview has been completed. Culverts have been placed on hold as it’s been a dry season and not sure where/if any are needed. Under review.
- Culvert needs to be added on Kingsdale Road, and a load added to Omar drive. Dave Fornengo will drive to access, report to Roberts and board next month.
- Roadwork is at the cap of the 2021 budgeted amount for the year. Will revisit at 2022 Road Review.
- NPAHD Report – Fran Levings
- Fran handed out current newsletter, that will be printed and available bi-monthly.
- The Board approved the following Education Loan applications. All of these applicants are currently employed at Essentia-Sandstone: The criteria for the acceptance includes the clause that the applicant must be employed on the Hospital Campus for 2 years after receiving the certifications or degree they seek.
- An LPN will pursue a Registered Nurse degree at Rasmussen University, Blaine, MN. She received tuition payment for one semester – $5,683.00.
- A Radiologic Technician will pursue a BS degree in Medical Imaging via an on-line course at Mercy College of Ohio. This is a 3-year program and she will receive semester tuition payments of $2,065 for those 3 years.
- A Case Manager/Stroke Coordinator will pursue a BS degree in Nursing. She is looking at several colleges & universities and will receive tuition payments of up to $7,000.00 per year.
- An EMT with the Essentia ambulance service will attain certification to become a Paramedic at Ridgewater College, Wilmar, MN. He was awarded up to $7,000.00 for this course.
Anything else to come to the board? – NONE
Next meeting is OCTOBER 13th, 2021 @7:30PM
Meeting adjourned at 7:56PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara L Miritello, Clerk
Also, Signed by the Chair____________________________________________________Date_________________________