March 2008 – Peggy Coveau


As you are heading east from Askov on Pine County Hwy 32 ( aka Rutabaga Road) out here in the little township of New Dosey, you may have noticed in the summertime, that the yard just past Hay Creek Drive on the left is full of beautiful flower gardens. That is the lovely home of Peggy and Ken Coveau.

Peggy was born in Crow Wing County in 1959 to Gladys and Pat Robinson. She lived there as a baby, then her family moved to Hackensack, Texas. They lived there for awhile, but Peggy grew up in Webster, Wisconsin.

She attended the Webster Schools for all of her 12 school years. In high school, she participated in almost every sport available-track, volleyball, and basketball. She was also class treasurer, a cheerleader, and Prom Queen.

She met Ken Coveau right after high school graduation and they were married in 1978. Except for a brief stint in Markville, Peggy and Ken have lived in New Dosey township all of their married life. In addition to serving as town treasurer for many years, Peggy worked at the St. Croix Camp for 13 years. She has also waited tables and bartended in the area.

Peggy is the mother of 2 daughters. Annie is 29 and lives in Duluth with her husband, while Alicia is 28 and lives in Maplewood with her husband.

At the age of 48, Peggy still finds that planting and growing flowers is a prime mover in her life. She says she learned her love of flower gardening at her grandmother’s knee. She has always liked the colors, digging in the dirt, and planting seeds to see what comes up. She adores all flowers but says that cosmos and zinnias are two of her very favorite.

In addition to flowers, Peggy loves animals. Those of us out here were always pleased to see Bud, the dog she and Ken got when his grandmother Doris Fornengo passed away, sitting peacefully in their yard. Bud developed a tumor on his heart a few weeks ago and had to be euthanized. Peggy was gratified to be able to take in Alicia’s cat Kaiser because Alicia’s husband Ted is allergic to cats.

Peggy’s bubbly, out-going personality and her down-to-earth values are very much appreciated by all of her friends out here in New Dosey township.