Meeting called to order by Clerk Fran Levings. She announced that treats were available.
Those also present were: Marge Braun, Dave Baker, Ken Coveau, Don Mishler, Beverly Carlin, Edward Carlin, Dennis Sherman, David Fornengo, Daniel Lokken and Liz Carlson.
Head Judge read the results of the Board of Canvass: Dave Baker received 11 votes for Supervisor-3-year term and was elected. Ken Coveau received 11 votes for Supervisor- 1-year term to fill a vacancy created by resignation of Supervisor Wes Cemenski in 2011 and Margaret received 11 votes for Treasurer 2-year term and was elected.
Ed Carlin was nominated to be moderator by Fran Levings. No other nominations, so Ed was elected unanimously.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the agenda. Carried.
Dave Baker read the minutes of the March 13, 2012, annual meeting. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve those minutes. Carried.
Dave Baker read the report of the Board of Audit on February 13, 2013. Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve that report. Carried.
Fran Levings presented the 2012 Treasurer’s Report by distributing copies of all receipts and claims for the year. She reported that the Township had received a check for @ $29,000 for the sale of land and the township is in good shape financially. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Ken Coveau, to approve the annual Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Dave Fornengo presented the annual Chair’s Report: (1) He distributed copies of the 2012 Road Work Order & stated that all work was completed. He announced that the Township had purchased some Class 5 gravel from PineCounty and had Ryberg & Sons crush it. (2) He reported that the status of the cartway has not changed since last year. Petitioners are expected to purchase credits and have yet to do so. Clerk Levings reported that in August of this year, notice will be given to petitioners that one year remains for them to purchase wetland credits or they must start the procedure over again.
(3) He reported that the township is in compliance with the Sign Reflectivity mandate. Fran Levings informed the electors that Dave Fornengo had done the entire project from beginning to end by himself. Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Ken Coveau, to accept the Chair’s report. Carried.
Fran Levings presented the annual Clerk’s report: (1) She distributed copies of the 2013 budget. (2) She reported that the Perpetual Care/Cemetery Fund had taken in $380.00 and that 2 graves had been purchased for the Pauper’s Cemetery. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Clerk’s Report. Carried.
Zoning Administrator Fran Levings reported 12 land use permits had been given in 2012. Four were for a shed, 4 for a dwelling, and 1 each for a mound system, addition, outhouse, and the moving in of a camper. Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Zoning report. Carried.
Consensus was to not change the levy.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Ed Carlin, to raise the pay of township labor from $15/hour to $20/hour. Carried.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Ken Coveau, to reduce the fee for plowing private drives from $120 to $100 for the 2013-14 winter season. Carried.
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to pay $100 each to the following non-profits organizations for a Contract for Services- Family Pathways Senior Services, Seven County Senior Federation, the Pine County Historical Society and the Old School Arts Center. Carried.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Beverly Carlin, to research the possibility of joining the Hospital District and place it on the agenda for the 2014 annual meeting. Carried.
Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Dave Baker, to continue banking with Northview Bank in Sandstone. Carried.
Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Ken Coveau, to keep the Pine County Courier as our newspaper for legal notices. Carried.
Consensus was to have the Town Board research the possibility of getting an Internet set-up at the Town Hall and to do so if they think it is a good idea.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Fran Levings, to set the 2nd Tuesday in March, 2014 at 8:15 for the next annual town meeting. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the moderator.