Meeting called to order at 1 p.m. by vice-chair Dave Baker.  Also present were Troy Stewart and Jenny Mansavage, Pine County Assessor’s Office, Bob Brewster, Township Assessor, Clerk Fran Levings, Marcus and Chris Marsh, Dennis Welsh, William St. Martin, and Bob St. Martin.

Dave Baker was recognized by Mr. Stewart as having been trained for this meeting.

  1. Property owner Marcus Marsh (in partnership with John Wolfe- Parcel number- R20.0095.000.  Property located 2.3 miles north of Pine Cty. 32 on the Kingsdale Rd.

Concerns: Mr. Marsh presented several handouts to the assessors..  Property of 140 acres assessed at $132,300 and 108 acres assessed at $146,800.  Showed “comparables” to the Board and claimed his assessment much higher than these.  He claimed that 94 acres was low-land (swamp) and that DNR person Rick Dunkley had walked his property and also questioned the $9000 value of the structure on the 108 acres.

Assessor’s Response:  Mr. Brewster had only 60 acres listed as low-ground and has no problem increased low- ground by 20 acres on the 140 acre plot.  This would lower the assessment to $119,300.  Mr. Brewster and Mr. Stewart will look at the cabin again to determine the value. Mr. Marsh will be notified by mail of any revisions they make or do not make.  Mr. Brewster that he makes all of the specifications to the Pine County Assessor’s Office, then they attach a monetary value.

  1. Property owner Dennis Welsh- Owns many properties.  Only complaint was that his property taxes continue to rise each year.  Mr. Welsh does not blame the township, but wanted to make his point.  Point taken by the Board although it has no authority in setting taxes except via the levy process at the Annual Meeting.

3.  Property Owners William and Bob St. Martin- Parcel numbers R20.0008.000, R20. 0007.000, R20.0006.000, R20.0005.000, R20.0167.000, R20.0170.000 and R20.0096.000.  Property is located off the State Line Road.

Concern:  How many acres of low-ground does he have on 4 of these parcels?  Mr. St. Martin presented a report he had from Paul Dixon, forester, that had 209 acres of low-ground. Mr. St. Martin also asked the difference between RV (rural vacant) and seasonal designations.  Regarding parcel R20.0167.000,  known as Cloverton Sharpshooters, concerns again expressed about low-ground acreage.  Parcel R20.0167.000 is landlocked.

Assessor’s Response: Mr. Brewster explained that his low-ground assessment was about 24 acres more than Mr. St. Martin’s on the 4 parcels in question.  He offered to add 24 acres of low-ground to parcel R20.0005.000.  He explained that a designation of “seasonal” means that there had been some improvement on the property (cabin, mobile home, e.g.) as opposed to a totally vacant property.  On 3 other parcels, Mr. Brewster was different in 47 more acres of low-ground. He offered to add 5 acres of low-ground to R20.0167.000 and add 40 acres of low-ground to R20.0170.000.  Mr. Stewart said that landlocked property would be designated as “no access” and would reduce the valuation.

When the Board met to make a decision, there was a motion by Dave Baker, and second by Wes Cemenski, to accept all of the recommendations made by Mr. Brewster and Mr. Stewart, as described in the above minutes.  Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the vice-chair ________________________ Date_____________