Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were
Supervisors Anthony John Fornengo and Dave Baker, Treasurer Wayne Hessler
and Deputy Clerk/NPAHD Representative Fran Levings.
There was no public input.
Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Baker to approve the Agenda with the
inclusion on 3 more items under New Business. Carried. (3-0)
Motion by Dave Baker, second by AJ Fornengo to approved the Minutes of the
November 9, 2022 meeting. Carried. (3-0).Ib
Treasurer’s Report was tabled until January meeting.
Treasurer Hessler presented the following Claims and Net Payroll:

7460 Pine County Auditor Elections $145.06

7461 AT&T Mobility Internet/Phone $127.50

7462 Robin Fornengo Town Hall Supplies $17.90

7463 David Baker Disposal Board Mtg $50.00

7464 ECE Electric Bill $18.00

7465 Ziegler Cat Service/Parts $2,227.31

TOTAL $2,85.77
Dave Baker $92.35 Wayne Hessler $147.76
AJ Fornengo $92.36 Frances Levings $138,52
David Fornengo $355.55 Tamara Miritello $170.85
Robin Fornengo $47.17
Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Baker to pay these bills. Carried. (3-0)

  1. Audit is still in motion-all Clerk Miritello this round.
  2. Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting April 20, 2023 @3pm –
    North Pine Government Center.
    Road Work- Chair Fornengo said to expect a lot of road work this spring
    due to trees needing to be removed.
  3. NPAHD Report- Dr. Thomas Witt, Administrator-Essentia Hospital,
    Sandstone reported that they have 6 ambulances, but can only use 3
    due to a staff shortage. He also reported that the hospital is continuing
    to provide medical care for the Federal Corrections Institution in
    Sandstone. Between January and October of 2022, the hospital had 56
    surgeries, 1666 emergency room visits and 770 urgent care visits.
  4. TRI-TOWNSHIP DISPOSAL DISTRICT Report by Dave Baker. The District
    has a checking account balance of $18,793.56 and a pending deposit of
    $24,019.27 which is the November settlement from Pine County.
  5. ELECTIONS Report by Fran Levings- (A) New Dosey Township has 58
    registered voters. 34 people voted in the Midterm election in
    November. 23 voted for Republican candidates and 11 voted for DFL
    candidates. In the non-partisan races Jeff Nelson for sheriff and Matt
    Ludwig for Pine County Board each received 28 votes while their
    opponents Brett Westbrook and Skip Th omsen each received 4 votes.
    Fran Levings was re-elected to the North Pine Area Hospital District
    Board with 28 votes. There were 2 write-in votes for Don Schirmer.
    (B) Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve a
    Resolution Designating the Polling Place for Elections. Carried. (3-0)
  6. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo to approve a
    Resolution Re-Affirming Town Hall Use. This Resolution re-affirms the
    commitment to have the town hall available for use for those persons who
    get permission from a member of the Town Board. Carried. (3-0)
    stated that first of all he wants to thank the property owners of our
    township for not only their patience with the crew, but also for helping to
    clear downed trees and branches. Dave Baker stated that he wanted to
    thank Grader driver Dave Fornengo and Truck driver Jason Fornengo on
    behalf of the entire township for their immediate and thorough response to
    this massive snow emergency. Dave Fornengo reported that the grader did
    sustain some minor damages-cracked windows & mirror and cracked
    beacon. He further reported that the grader was extremely difficult to turn
    around at the end of Schoolhouse Road. He said that during the spring
    Road Review, he will recommend that the township make a turnaround. In
    the meantime, the Board decided by consensus to hire a contractor to plow
    Schoolhouse Road. Only a section of Timber Ridge Road will be plowed this
    Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk
    Also signed by the Chair ______