Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present was the following: Supervisors Anthony Fornengo, and Dave Baker, Treasurer Wayne Hessler, and Clerk Tamara Miritello. Absent were Deputy Clerk Samantha Gardner and NPAHD Representative Fran Levings.


Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the agenda. (Carried 3-0)

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the minutes of the July 8th, 2020. (Carried 3-0)

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to table Treasure’s report until September 9th, 2020 meeting. (Carried 3-0)

Clerk Tamara Miritello presented and prepared Claims List and Net Payroll list for approval.


                #7226                                    Pine County Assessing                                                   $822.00

                #7227                                    AT&T Mobility- phone/internet                                 $97.54

                #7228                                    Miritello, Tamara – Reimbursement                        $203.43

                #7229                                    Land & Cabins – Culvert                                                $1,120.50

                #7230                                    Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. -Annual Dues         $4,500.00

                #7231                                    Frances Levings – Mileage & Election Training      $156.50

                #7232                                    Dave Baker – Tri-Township Disposal Meeting       $50.00

                #7233                                    East Central Energy – Electric August 2020             $9.00

                #7234                                    Jason Fornengo – Equipment Rental for lawn mowing                                                                                                                          June & July 2020                                                               $150.00

                #7235                                    Beverly Carlin – Mileage Reimbursement              $53.26


                Dave Baker                                                                                                                         $100.00

                Adam Fornengo                                                                                                                $675.00

                AJ Fornengo                                                                                                                       $100.00

                Dave Fornengo                                                                                                                 $125.00

                Samantha Gardner                                                                                                          $50.00

                Fran Levings                                                                                                                       $125.00

                Tamara Miritello                                                                                                               $445.00

                Doug Wiita                                                                                                                          $412.50

Motion by Dave Fornengo, Second by AJ Fornengo, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)


  1. Renewed Fire Protection Agreement with Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department 8/2020-8/2021.
  2. Maybe eligible for the Federal Cares Ace Reimbursement, I will be finding out more info and report next month.
  3. Governor Waltz “Face Covering” order – public places and voting accommodations
  4. Clinton Elliott will be using the town hall tables and chairs for upcoming event 9/4/2020
  5. Election results for our township are posted outside on the board.


  1. Road Work
    1. N Kingsdale 3 miles have been done, all the beaver dams have been cleared out on the Gandy Dancer and we have reached out to the DNR. Culverts that still need to be replaced are Doyle Road, Beehive Lane, and Kindsdale/Stateline. We would like to dedicate funds to Rocky Road as it is getting really bad. Highland Drive had gravel added to it.


  • Pine County Historical Society has requested a Service Agreement.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo to approve request. (Carried 3-0)
  • Tri-District Disposal Report – Presented by Dave Baker                                                                                                           
    • All the parcels in the five townships with duplicate owners will be removed. (If John Doe owns three parcels it would only count one of his parcels. However, if John & Jane Doe own one parcel, John Doe owns one parcel, Jane Doe owns one parcel, and this would be counted as three).
    • Only the improved parcels in all five townships, with all owners (if John Doe owns three parcels with buildings on all three of them it would count all three parcels. If John Doe has a parcel with a building on it and a parcel that is vacant it would only count on the improved one)
    • Only the improved parcels in all five townships, with duplicate owners removed. (If John Doe owns three parcels with buildings on them, it would only count as one parcel).
  • NPAHD Report – Prepared by Fran Levings, Presented by Dave Baker
    • The Hospital District approved a loan request from Naomi Koenig in the amount of $21,000 towards her enrollment fees in a 3-year program at the University of Arizona to become a Psychiatric Nurse. She is currently a Nurse Practitioner at Gateway Clinic in Sandstone. Ms. Koenig lives in Sandstone. A requirement of the Loan Program is that the recipient will, upon course completions, practice medicine in the geographical area of the Hospital District and continue to reside in the district. Ms. Koenig will take her course of study on-line.
  • Chari Dave Fornengo received a few messages in regards to the township road work. A “Thank you & appreciate it” for Doyle Road, along with Kinglsdale Road.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tamara Miritello, Clerk

Also, Signed by the Chair____________________________________________________Date_________