Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors Jason Fornengo and Dave Baker, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Mandy Fornengo, Pine County Zoning Administrator and Assessor Kelly Schroeder, Road Contractor Ed Proffit and Planning Commissioner Anthony J. Fornengo.  Absent was Treasurer Margaret Coveau.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Agenda.  Carried.

Pine County Zoning Administrator and Assessor Kelly Schroeder explained some the aspects of the new Pine County SubSurface Treatment System and fielded questions.  She said that the township can adopt the county ordinance or write its own ordinance.  There  must be a compliance inspection at the point of sale of any property in the township.  The 3 conditions looked for are (1) a leaking tank  (2) any leaking into the house (3) any vertical infiltration. For shoreland property, Pine County does the inspection.  Otherwise, the township can use its own inspector.  In answer to a question by Dave Baker, she said that alternate systems are not part of the county ordinance and a more advanced inspector would be required.  Composting toilets are permitted.  Outhouses must have a holding tank and requires an inspection.  She provided a handout- “Requirements for city and township SSTS programs” (attached to file copy of these minutes).   John Fornengo asked what new features were in the county ordinance.  Three that Ms. Schroeder mentioned were(1) a management plan (2) septic abandonment process and (3) abandoned wells must be filled with a certain cement.

The Board thanked Ms. Schroeder for her time and comments and she left the meeting.

After discussion, motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to have the township write its own SSTS ordinance.  Carried.  An ordinance must be written and submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Board by December 2014 and in effect in the township by February, 2015.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the Jul7 9, 2014 meeting.  Carried.

Clerk Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report as prepared by Treasurer Margaret Coveau (attached to file copy of these minutes).  FUND BALANCES ARE:  General Fund- $9919.46, Road & Bridge Fund- $31318.76, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund- $458.75, Fire Protection Fund- $7149.05, Fire Hall Fund- $125.45, Cartway Fund- $89.15, Savings Account- $1158.16, Driveways Fund- $4237.18 and CDs- $44606.74.

These funds reflect the 1st ½ of the Property Tax payment. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval (Attached to file copy of these minutes).  Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to pay these bills.  Carried.


  1. Letter was sent to Denise Baron, Pine County Director of Emergency Services, required a road sign and fire # for the previously called “Unnamed Road”. This road is now named Red Maple Lane. Letter also asked that property owner Pete Miller on Squib Creek Drive be given a fire #.
  2. Clerk reported that cemetery rates for Arna Township are: $100/grave for anyone owning property in Arna, New Dosey or Wilma Townships. For other persons, it is $200/grave.  A lot in Arna Township is $600 for any property owner in Arna, New Dosey and Wilma Townships.  For other persons, a lot is $1200.00.  Chair Fornengo suggested that our township write a comprehensive Cemetery Policy and have it ready for comments/ amendments and approval at the 2015 Annual Meeting.  He further suggested that we spread dirt on the pauper’s graves and plant grass seed next spring.
  3. Clerk distributed copies of our letterhead stationery with the township tax exempt # on it.
  4. The Minnesota Association of Townships District 7 Meeting will be held at the Anoka-Ramsey Community College on Sept. 3. District Chair Don Sherper is retired and Glen Williamson, Wilma Town Chair, is running for that position.
  5. Mandy Fornengo will be sending our revised Driveway plowing notices in September.
  6. Clerk recommended raising the wage rate for the Deputy Clerk Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay her $15/hr for training and $40/meeting.


  1. Land Use Permits # 113 and 114 were granted respectively to James Hyrkas (Shed) and Doug Ohlrogge (Storage Building.)


  1. Road Work Update- Chair Fornengo explained 2 prices he had gotten for culverts (Price sheet attached to file copy of these minutes). He said he order 3 culverts for McDermott Creek Road and Timber Ridge Drive for @ $1300.00.  He also had received a request from the DNR for permission from the township for the “use of township roads as alignment for the now named “Matt Lourey State Trail” (formerly Munger Trail).(This letter of request is attached to the file copy of these minutes) Chair Fornengo gave township permission via email. Ed Proffit reported that property owner John Frank is doing some work on School House Road.  Consensus of the Board was to provide gravel “free of charge” to Mr. Frank in exchange for his labor.  Discussion of purchasing new tires for the grader.  Chair Fornengo said that his research showed him that for @$7500.00, the town could purchase tires, labor and O-rings from Pomp’s Tires in Superior, WI.  Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to do so.
  2. A brushing contract with Town of Blaine in WI will be on their next meeting agenda. (Copy of contract attached to file copy of these minutes).
  3. Chair Fornengo recommends purchasing 2 laptops. The new CTAS 8 program will be here in October.
  4. Discussion of purchasing a safe. It would cost @ $600 from Amazon or we could try to find a local company to purchase from.
  5. Emergency Response Training is on-going at the Pine County Courthouse.


  1. Clerk was asked to phase out the Don Proffit Cartway Petition. The 3-year time period for purchasing wetland credits by the petitioner has lapsed.  Proffit will be refunded the balance of his bond.


  1. Clerk will contact Ron Osladil, chair of the North Area Pine Hospital District, to set up a town meeting for a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the township joining the organization. It will be set for a Saturday.

Meeting adjourned at 10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk


Also signed by the Chair ________________________  Date _________________