Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Ken Coveau and Dave Baker, Treasurer Margaret Coveau, and Clerk Fran Levings.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the Jan. 9, 2013, meeting. Carried.
Treasurer Margaret Coveau presented the Treasurer’s Report. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Fund Balances are: General fund-$14,404.15, Road & Bridge Fund- $14,586.35, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund- $230.42, Fire Protection Fund- $2214.21, Fire Hall Fund- $125.45, Cartway Fund- $89.15, Savings Account-$1154.77 and CDs- $43,480.60. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Ken Coveau, to create a Driveways Fund and to transfer $2880.00 from the Road & Bridge Fund to this new fund. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Ken Coveau, to pay these bills. Carried.
- Township Election and Annual Meeting will be March 12. Election will run from 4-8 pm. and Annual Meeting will begin @8:15pm. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to appoint Dave Fornengo and Ed Carlin to serve as the Board of Canvass. The purpose this Board is to certify the election results as counted by the election judges. Carried.
- Clerk submitted a completed survey to the U.S. Census Bureau. New DoseyTownship has 4 new dwellings constructed in 2012 for a total value of @$90,000.00
- The Board of Review & Equalization will be held at the town hall on April 1st at 1 pm. Supervisor Baker’s certification expires in the summer of 2013 and Dave Fornengo’s certification will expire in the summer of 2014. The Pine County Assessor will schedule a training for the summer of 2013.
- Clerk reported that the CTAS system will run out sometime and a new program will cost townships @ $300/year.
- Zoning Administrator Fran Levings attended a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency meeting in Sandstone on Feb. 11. The subject of Sub Surface Treatment Systems was discussed. New DoseyTownship operates under the Pine County Ordinance on this issue.
- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Ken Coveau, to approve the 2013 budget. (Attached to file copy of these minutes.) Carried.
- Chair Fornengo reported on an email from a property owner stating that his driveway was not plowed after the 1st snowfall. Plow truck operator Ken Coveau responded that he did plow it after the 2nd snow fall.
- Supervisors examined the 2012 Bridge Inspection Report and will make the adjustments in the spring or summer.
- Supervisor Baker reported that he has been notified by residents that logging trucks are using McDermott Creek Road rather than Rutabaga Road to avoid the bridge on Rutabaga Road. He has placed a call to the CountyEngineer about this.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Chair ________________________
Date ______________________