Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Beverly Carlin and Jason Fornengo and Clerk Fran Levings. Treasurer Mandy Fornengo was absent.

There was no public input.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Agenda. Carrried.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of January 9, 2019. Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report and Cash Control Statement as prepared by Treasurer Mandy Fornengo.


General- $16,025.38

Road & Bridge- $7,598.40

Cemetery/Landscaping- $1,887.01

Fire Protection- $13,636.02

Fire Hall- $125.45

Driveways- $8,138.25

Savings Account- $1,163.38

CD- $19,255.44

TOTAL- $67,829.33

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Treasurer’s Report and the Cash Control Statement. Carrried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List & the Net Payroll List for approval.


#6991 Dave Baker-Disposal District Representative $50.00

#6992 Fran Levings- Mileage-3 trips $112.20

#6993 Drilling Electric-Work on Fire Hall $178.00

#6994 Kettle River Graphix-Printing Ballots $10.00

#6995 ECE-Electric Bill-Feb. 2019 $68.00

#6996 Beverly Carlin-Election Work & Mileage $162.84

#6997 AT&T-Telephone/Internet-Feb. 2019 $97.03

#6998 Pine County Treasurer-Truth in Taxation Fee $85.53

#6999 Robert Brewster-Assessing-2018 $3490.50

#7000 Robert Springer-Accountant/Auditor $240.00

#7001 Office Depot-Office Supplies $145.33


Beverly Carlin- $100.00 Mandy Fornengo- $120.00

Jason Fornengo- $400.00 Frank Rehberger- $350.00

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried.


  1. The Starowoitow sisters have reserved the town hall for July 13.
  2. ECE has raised their rates.
  3. Clerk has completed the following required work items-
  1. W-2 and 1090 forms
  2. Year-End Processing
  3. State Auditor’s Report
  4. PERA Report
  5. 2019 Budget
  6. Compensation Resolution
  7. Board of Audit
  8. To Pine County Courthouse for 2 Special Elections
  9. 2018 Census Housing Report


  1. Shorelands/Wetlands Workshop- Askov History Museum-Feb. 20- Planning Commissioners
  2. Letter from Telecom inquiring about permits for work done in township right-of-way. Zoning Officer informed them that we do require a permit.


  1. Election & Annual Meeting- March 12- Since no one has filed for the office of Supervisor- 3-year term, that position will be filled via a write-in vote. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to appoint Jason Fornengo and Don Mishler to the Board of Canvass. Carried. There will be a Special Election to fill the State House 11B seat.
  2. NPAHD Report- Representative Fran Levings reported that they are revising their Bylaws, planning some landscaping and planning to set up a foundation.


  1. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the 2019 township calendar. Carried.
  2. Clerk Levings presented a draft copy of the 2019 township budget. The Road & Bridge budget does not allow very much funding for 2019 road work. Expenses in 2018 for work on Rocky Blvd. vastly exceeded the budget allocation. The township is still waiting for FEMA reimbursement. Supervisors may consider asking the voters to raise the levy at the Annual Meeting. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to accept the 2019 budget draft as amended by the Supervisors. Carried. Copies of the budget are available at the town hall.
  3. Supervisors examined the Bridge Inspection Report. Some minor repairs are needed on the bridge on McDermott Creek Road and Supervisors Jason Fornengo and Dave Fornengo will address these repairs.
  4. Clerk Levings presented a Resolution regarding compensation of board members, commission members, representatives to boards, employees, etc. She explained that while a motion was made establishing the reimbursement rates, it has been recommended by the Minnesota Association of Townships to have a Resolution on file also. No changes were made to the reimbursement rates. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Resolution. Carried. The Resolution is on file at the town hall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair ________________________ Date _______________