Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors AJ Fornengo and Jason Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello, Dave Baker, Wayne Hessler, Don Schirmer and Ron Mosser.


  • Ron Mosser reported that Denny Schlumka is not doing septic inspections anymore.
  • Don Schirmer requested again a copy of the Resolution regarding compensation for missed meetings by Board members.  Clerk Levings responded that this issue will be on the agenda for the February meeting.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Agenda.  Carried (3-0).

Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of the December 11, 2019, meeting.  Carried (3-0).


                        Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to transfer $3000 from the Fire Protection Fund to the Cemetery/Landscaping Fund.  Carried (3-0).


                                                General-                                                                      $9,692.04

                                                Road & Bridge-                                                           $23,484.23

                                                Cemetery/Landscaping-                                             $169.91

                                                Fire Protection-                                                           $15,608.32

                                                Fire Hall-                                                                     $125.45

                                                Driveways-                                                                  $6,942.04

                                                Savings Account-                                                         $1,164.25

                                                CD-                                                                              $19,436.02

                                                Cartway- B. Johnson                                                    $1,298.04

TOTAL FUNDS                                                             $77,920.90

            RECEIPTS- DECEMBER-2019

            C&T Contracting                     Reimburse-Class 5 Gravel                   $4,100.00

            Pine County Treasurer            2nd ½ Property Taxes                          $12,664.28

            Clinton Elliott                          Snowplowing                                       $120.00

            Dan Raboin                             Snowplowing                                       $140.00

            Burt Schueller                         Snowplowing                                       $120.00

            Roberts Excavating                 Septic Work                                         $100.00

            ACH Deposit                            State Aid                                              $7,142.15

TOTAL RECEIPTS                                                                                 $24,386.63B

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried (3-0).



# 7147             DVS                                          Registration Renewal              $19.25

#7148              Robert Springer-CPA               Accounting                              $260.00

#7149              AT&T                                       Telephone/Internet                 $97.40

#7150              Northstar Media                     Election Notices                      $69.06

#7151              Pine County Auditor                Truth in Taxation Fee              $88.72

#7152              Pine Cty. Township Assn         Dues (Includes MAT)               $337.73

#7153              StraightLine Surveying            Cartway Survey                       $1,300.00

#7154              U.S. Treasury                           4th Qtr. Payroll Taxes              $842.65


                                    AJ Fornengo-               $350.00           Fran Levings-               $465.00

                                    Dave Fornengo-           $125.00           Tamara Miritello-       $100.00

                                    Jason Fornengo-          $437.50           Frank Rehberger         $525.00


  1.  Elections-(1) Presidential Election Primary-March 3- ND voters will get ballots around Jan. 177.  All expenses will be reimbursed by Pine County.  (2) Township Election is March 10- Dave Baker has filed for Supervisor (3-year term) and Tamara Miritello has filed for Clerk (2-year term).  (3) Clerk explained that she decided 2 years ago that she would not seek an 8th term as Clerk and wanted to quell the rumor that she has been “forced out”.
  2. Reminder-Board of Audit Meeting ½ hour prior to the regular meeting on Feb. 12. J
  3. Local township officers and Pine County Board will meet on Jan. 28 at the government building in Sandstone at 6 pm.
  4. Contact the Clerk if interested in being a census taker.
  5. Tammy Miritello has reserved the town hall for Feb. 29.
  6. No NPAHD report this month because that Board did not meet in December.


  1. Zoning Officer Levings responded to charges made against her performance by Don Schirmer at the December meeting- (1) New Dosey has required permits since 2000 when a Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Board. (2) She has indeed read the proposed Pine County Zoning Ordinance in its entirety and thinks it is an excellent document.  She apologized for not recognizing that Board Member AJ Fornengo should not have voted at the Planning Commission meeting to discuss the County Ordinance. She further stated that had not Mr. Schirmer created such tension with his anger at the meeting, perhaps the outcome would have been different.  (3) She has indeed read the ND Land use Ordinance and (4) since her resignation as Zoning Administrator in December was oral and not formally accepted by the Board, she will submit a written resignation at the February meeting effective March 31, 2020.
  2. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve a Resolution to Defer to Pine County the Administration and Enforcement of New Dosey Township Septic.  Carried (3-0).


  1.  ASSESSING UPDATE– Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to sign a petition requesting the Pine County Board to hold another public meeting  to discuss the future of township assessors.  Carried (3-0).
  2. CARTWAY-B.JOHNSON– Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to change the date of the next Cartway Hearing from Jan. 24 to Jan. 31.  Carried (3-0).  Chair Fornengo will look at the Cartway budget and assess a further bond payment. 


  1.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to accept the resignation of Mandy Fornengo, Treasurer.  Carried (3-0).  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to appoint Wayne Hessler as Township Treasurer.  He will serve until the March 2021 election. 
  2. SQUIB CREEK ROAD CONDITIONS OF SNOW & WATER.  Jason Fornengo suggested that grading will take down some of the ridges.  AJ Fornengo said he has worked with a shovel to try to level the road. 
  3. 2020 TOWNSHIP CALENDAR- Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the 2020 Township calendar. Carried (3-0).  Clerk Levings pointed out that the November 2020 meeting is scheduled for November 12 because November 11 is on Veterans Day and not government meetings can be held on a federal holiday.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk                  Also signed by the Chair _________________  Date ______