Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisor Dave Baker, Clerk Fran Levings, Jan Streiff and Jason Fornengo. Absent were Supervisor Ken Coveau and Treasurer Margaret Coveau.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the agenda. Carried.
Special guest, Ron Osladil, Chair, North Pine Area Hospital District, made a presentation. Referring to a handout “Financial & Informational Report”, he explained the purpose and powers of the Hospital District, how and why it was established, and presented a Balance Sheet of Finances-Revenues & Expenses and the Operating Budget for 2014. The handout also included the Tax Levy history and a comprehensive list of services provided. If NewDoseyTownship votes to join the Hospital District at the Annual Meeting in March, the tax payment for property holders would be @ $30/$100,000 of property value.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2013 regular meeting. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report as prepared by Treasurer Margaret Coveau. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Fund Balances (as of Dec. 31, 2013) are: General Fund- $12,737.97, Road & Bridge Fund-$21.017.94, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund- $553.13, Fire Protection Fund- $2,869.40, Fire Hall Fund-$125.45, Driveways Fund- $2692.44, Savings Account- $1156.50 and CDs- $44,182.44. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay these bills. Carried.
- Filing for office for the March 11, 2014, township election closes at 5pm on January 14, 2014.
- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to appoint Marlene Mishler, Beverly Carlin and Wendy Wagner as Election Judges. Carried.
- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker to appoint Marlene Mishler, Beverly Carlin and Wendy Wagner as the Absentee Ballot Board. Carried.
- The Clerk will schedule 2 town electors to serve as the Board of Canvass.
- As requested, the Clerk reported that 400 gallons of propane were pre-bought for the Fire Hall and 800 gallons for the Town Hall for 2013-14.
- Zoning Administrator Fran Levings reported that Land Use Permit # 110 was issued to Brent Erickson for a cabin.
- ZA also reported on a meeting she had attended in ArnaTownship regarding the draft of the Pine County Subsurface Sewage Treatment System. This ordinance must be accepted by PineCounty this spring. Arna Township Zoning Administrator Robert Brewster explained some of the more salient points of the draft ordinance, such as the “bedroom” rule, the DNR and shoreland property, and what options townships have. Consensus was for the ZA to continue to monitor developments before we decide what our new role will be.
- Concerns about plowing gated driveways. It is a lot of extra work for the plow driver.
- Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to adopt the township 2014 Calendar of Dates. Carried. Calendar will be posted on the website, the bulletin board and the Notice Board.
- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to adopt a resolution in support of a Comprehensive Omnibus Transportation Bill as recommended by the Minnesota Association of Townships. Carried
Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Chair __________________________ Date _______________