Meeting called to order by Vice-chair Beverly Carlin at 7:30 pm.  Also present were Supervisor Jason Fornengo, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo and Clerk Fran Levings.  Chair Dave Fornengo was absent.

There was no public input.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Agenda.  Carried.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Minutes of December 12, 2018.  Carried.

Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report and the Cash Control Balance statement.  FUND BALANCES ARE:

                        General-                                                          $17,672.36

                        Road & Bridge-                                               $8,254.73

                        Cemetery/Landscaping-                                 $1,909.80

                        Fire Protection-                                               $13,541.98

                        Fire Hall-                                                         $125.45

                        Driveways-                                                      $8,430.20

                        Savings-                                                           $1,165.00

                        CD-                                                                  $19,194.96

                        TOTAL-                                                            $70,295.47

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Treasurer’s Report and sign the Cash Control Statement.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.


#6979              ECE                              Electric Bill-Jan. 2019                          $66.00

#6980              Jason Fornengo           Gas for Truck                                       $90.00

#6981              Robin Fornengo           Town Hall Supplies                              $43.53

#6982              NAPA-Sandstone         Truck Supplies                                     $201.95

#6983              Fran Levings                Mileage-2 trips                                   $61.20

#6984              Don Schirmer              Mileage- 1 trip                                    $49.98

#6985              Evergreen News          Legal Notice                                        $16.50

#6986              Askov American          Legal Notice                                        $18.23

#6987              Pine County Courier   Legal Notice                                        $22.19

#6988              Pine Cty Assn-Twps     Dues- MAT & Pine County Assn          $337.00

#6989              U.S Treasury                4th Quarter Taxes-2018                       $681.23

            GROSS PAY:

Beverly Carlin-                        $100.00                                   Robin Fornengo-         $60.00

Dave Fornengo-                       $125.00                                   Fran Levings-               $400.00

Jason Fornengo-                      $700.00                                   Frank Rehberger-        $300.00

Mandy Fornengo-                   $130.00                                   Don Schirmer-             $112.50

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to pay these bills.  Carried.


  1.  The Board of Audit meeting will be held at 7:15 before the February 13 regular Board meeting.
  2. There is a meeting with the Pine County Board on Jan. 29 at 6pm in the Pine County Courthouse.  Topic will be Mental Health Resources and the 2020 Census.


  1.  Zoning Officer sent 3 letters to property owners who are in non-compliance with the township zoning ordinance.
  2. Don Schirmer attended a meeting on the Pine County Zoning Ordinance being developed.


  1.  Matt Lourey Trail North- Clerk received an official request from property owners on this Minimum Maintenance road requesting that the township make it a full town road.  Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to table this request until the March meeting, then schedule a Special Town Board meeting with all participants to discuss the matter.  Carried.
  2. Snow plow operator Jason Fornengo reported that snowplowing of driveways and town roads in December went very well.
  3. NPAHD Report- Representative Levings reported that the Hospital District hosted the January meeting of the Sandstone Area Chamber of Commerce.  The District is also working on a draft Board Manual.


  1.  Special Election will be held Feb. 5 to fill the Senate 11 State Senate seat. 
  2. Township Election of Officers and Annual Meeting will be held on March 12.  Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to appoint Agnes Sexton, Jan Streiff, and Beverly Carlin as election judges.  Carried.  Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to appoint Agnes Sexton, Jan Streiff and Beverly Carlin to the Absentee Ballot Board.  Carried.  The town hall will be open on March 9 from 10 am- Noon for early voting. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk                  Also signed by the Vice-Chair _______________
