Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Anthony J. Fornengo and Jason Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deloris Schirmer, Don Schirmer, Ron Mosser, Jason Chelberg, Don Eddy , Tom Gahler, Norm Dustin and Joni Dustin. Absent were Treasurer Mandy Fornengo and Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello.
PUBLIC INPUT: Norman Dustin requested that a culvert be installed on Hay Creek Drive north of Squib Creek Drive. Chair Fornengo said the installation of a culvert at that place would be added to the 2019 Road Work order.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the agenda. Carried (3-0).
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of May 8, 2019. Carried (3-0).
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report and the Cash Balance Statement as prepared by Treasurer Mandy Fornengo.
Road & Bridge- $15,614.71
Fire Protection- $13,428.02
Cemetery/Landscaping- $1,887.01
Fire Hall- $125.45
Driveways- $5,708.02
Savings- $1,163.67
CD- $19,314.79
TOTAL- $58,241.13
RECEIPTS- May- 2019
Lawrence Paron- Land Use Permit $25.00
Northview Bank- Interest-Checking $4.99
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried (3-0).
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.
#7044 NAPA-Sandstone Grader Supplies $396.35
#7045 Bruno Deep Rock Motor Fuel $784.22
#7046 Fran Levings Mileage-1 trip $30.60
#7047 AT & T Internet/Telephone $96.91
#7048 ECE Electricity-June- 2019 $54.00
#7049 Don Schirmer Planning Mtg. & Mileage $140.80
#7050 Dave Baker Tri-Township Disposal and Planning Mtg. & Mileage $134.48
#7051 Robin Fornengo Reimburse-Landscaping Supplies $141.14
#7052 MAT Registration- Short Course- 2 attendees $100.00
#7053 CyBert PC Laptop Repair $120.00
AJ Fornengo $100.00 Robin Fornengo $160.00
Dave Fornengo $250.00 Fran Levings $510.00
Jason Fornengo $200.00 Tamara Miritello $50.00
Julia Fornengo $150.00 Doug Wiita $962.50
Mandy Fornengo $120.00
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried (3-0).
- Hessler/Mishler family has reserved the town hall for July 6-7.
- Starowoitow Sisters have reserved the town hall for July 12-13.
- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to place the old Remington typewriter in the New Dosey Township section of the Pine County History Museum. Carried (3-0).
- State demographics report puts the township population at 74 persons and 37 households.
- Planning Commissioner Don Schirmer reported on the meeting with the Pine County Planning Commission regarding the proposed Countywide Zoning Ordinance. He said the New Dosey Ordinance would not change much with the County Ordinance, but the fee for a Land Use Permit would increase to $150 and the fee for a Variance would increase to $500. Zoning Officer Levings will call a meeting of the New Dosey Planning Commission in July. They will study the proposed County Ordinance and make a recommendation to the Town Board at the August meeting as to whether or not to adopt the county ordinance or to stay with our township ordinance.
- Levings reported that 2 Land Use Permits were approved- Larry Paron for a container and Jeff Lindgren to put additions on the dwelling on his property.
- SQUIB CREEK DRIVE TURN AROUND- Chair Fornengo said the Board has 2 options- (1) to adhere to MN Stature 160.05- “When any road or portion of a road has been used and kept in repair and worked for at least 6 years continuously as a public highway by a road authority, it shall be deemed dedicated to the public to the width of actual use and be and remain, until lawfully vacated, a public highway, whether it has ever been established as a public highway or not”. OR (2) to work out a compromise. Chair Fornengo has done some measuring and is considering asking the Board to move the turn-around slightly to the west. Deloris Schirmer stated again that she had never been asked to give up a portion of her property for this turn-around. Chair Fornengo responded that it is unfair that her property was taken and that is why he is recommending a compromise turn-around of some sort that will mitigate her concerns. Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to take Option 2 above to resolve this conflict. Carried (3-0).
- REQUEST TO EXTEND SQUIB CREEK DRIVE ½ MILE-Don Schirmer again requested that Squib Creek Drive be extended for ½ mile east and that a cul-de-sac be constructed at the end of it to serve as the turn-around. Chair Fornengo said this portion of Squib Creek Drive is NOT a town road because MN Statutes say that if a road has not been maintained for 25 years, it is “deemed abandoned” and, secondly, the township has never established a road on the portion past Dave Baker’s mailbox. He further stated that since Jason Chelberg’s property is landlocked and he is entitled to access from the town board, he has 2 options- (1) He can work out an EASEMENT with neighboring property owners OR (2) he can petition for a CARTWAY. The town board would then choose a place for the cartway, considering the best interests of the public. The standards of the road would also be worked out- a walkway, a trail, a full-fledged road, a minimum-maintenance road? Former Board member Dave Baker said the township has not established a road since 1918 and the main consideration has to be- what is in the best interest of the public? Ron Mosser told of a road created by a neighbor of his and certified by a judge to be a road. Chair Fornengo responded that this road Mr. Mosser mentioned is a private road and has not been certified as a town road. He also said there are 7 ways for a town board to establish a road and they are listed in the 2018 “Manual on Town Government”. Clerk Levings said she has been in contact with an attorney from the Minnesota Association of Townships who explained again the 6-year rule for establishing a public roadway. The attorney also said that blocking a public roadway is a misdemeanor. Don Schirmer had pushed a load of gravel onto the turn-around. Supervisor AJ Fornengo said the township needs the roadway unobstructed for the grader, garbage truck and emergency vehicles and he supported the compromise. Don Schirmer said he has spoken with Jack Regenold and Mr. Regenold said he would remove the gravel. Levings inquired who was actually going to remove the gravel and Chair Fornengo said the township would remove it.
- ROAD WORK- 2019- Chair Fornengo will meet with Ed Proffit and Rydberg Inc. to direct them as to what roads they have been assigned to work on this year.
- SELL PARCEL TO JASON CANESI- MAT attorney said the town may sell property directly without putting out bid requests. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to proceed with the sale. Carried (3-0). Chair Fornengo will bring a proposal to the July Board meeting.
- HIRE LAWN MOWER OPERATOR(S)-Tamara Miritello notified the Board that her riding lawnmower is broken down and she will not be available to mow lawns this year. Clerk Levings learned that 14 years is the minimum age for township employees. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to hire Julia Fornengo and Adam Fornengo to be the lawn mower operators for this year. Carried (3-0).
- NPAHD REPORT- Representative to the Hospital District Board Fran Levings reported that the Board hosted a speaker on Depression among Senior Citizens in May. She distributed a handout questionnaire on depression.
- CAT GRADER FOLLOW-UP- Chair Fornengo has been researching options in the event the township grader no longer works. He presented a lease proposal from Zieglar Cat to be filed.
- BOARD OF REVIEW TRANSFER AGREEMENT-The Board is considering turning the annual Board of Review meeting over to Pine County. Many other townships are also doing this. Final decision on the Transfer Agreement will be made at the July meeting.
- PINE COUNTY BOARD/TOWNSHIP OFFICERS MEETING- Clerk Levings attended this meeting which was held at the new government building in Sandstone. She said this building is “state of the art”. The main topic presented was on the Foster Care Program in Pine County. There are 15 foster care providers who are relatives of the children and 20 traditional foster care families. As of May 20 of this year- there have been 76 placements- 45 under the Child Welfare Act and 38 under Tribal Placement.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk Also signed by the Chair________________ Date _____________