Meeting called to order to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Beverly Carlin and Jason Fornengo, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, and Tamara Miritello.
There was no public input
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Agenda. Carried.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of February 13, 2019. Carried.
Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report.
General- $10,598.44
Road & Bridge- $7,583.63
Cemetery/Landscaping- $1,887.01
Fire Protection- $13,458.02
Fire Hall- $125.45
Driveways- $7,570.59
Savings- $1,163.38
CD- $19,255.44
TOTAL- $61,641.96
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List & the Net Payroll List for approval.
#7002 Pine County Historical Society Contract for Services $250.00
#7003 Family Pathways Contract for Services $250.00
#7004 Jason Fornengo Reimburse-Gas for Truck $334.12
#7005 Seven County Senior Federation Contract for Services $250.00
#7006 Dave Baker- Soil &Water Mtg & Mileage $85.50
#7007 Pine County Courier Legal Notice (Twice) $64.32
#7008 Federated Coops Tank Rental $61.09
#7009 Fran Levings Mileage- 2 Trips $71.40
#7010 Pine County Special Election Expense $142.30
#7011 ECE Electricity-March- 2019 $67.00
#7012 At&T Telephone/Internet-March $97.03
#7013 Beverly Carlin Judge & Mileage $231.80
#7014 Jan Streiff Election Judge $90.00
#7015 Agnes Sexton Election Judge $90.00
#7016 Old School Arts Center Contract for Services $250.00
#7017 Askov American Legal Notice- (Twice) $56.70
#7018 Robin Fornengo Housekeeping $20.00
#7019 ACE Hardware Town Hall Supplies $77.23
#7020 U.S. Postal Service Postage $55.00
#7021 Robin Fornengo Town Hall Supplies $27.59
#7022 MAT Training $100.00
Beverly Carlin $300.00 Mandy Fornengo $220.00
Dave Fornengo $250.00 Fran Levings $690.00
Jason Fornengo $1650.00 Frank Rehberger $1012.50
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried .
- Dates to remember: March 23- Pine County Township Meeting
Hinckley-9 am.
March 28- Board of Re-Organization Meeting, 7:30pm
April 5- MAT Short Course-Duluth
April 8- Board of Appeal and Review- 11am
- Thank you to Beverly Carlin for serving as Supervisor for 8 months.
- NPAHD Report- Levings reported that the Hospital District Newsletter delineated all of the activities for the past few months. She said that the District is now reimbursing for mileage for board members.
- Township received a request from a property owner to sell him some land that we had purchased a few years ago. Chair Fornengo will research this.
- Township received notification of 4 tax-forfeited properties that will be put on auction by Pine County. Township has first option to purchase.
- Report- Pine County Board/Township Officers Meeting. Supervisor Carlin reported that a speaker from the State Demographers Office spoke on the 2020 Census. The census may be taken by residents on-line, via the phone or by mail. Only those who do not respond in this manner will have a census worker come to the home. The census is used to provide information in housing, health care, schools, technology, etc. Challenges include counting the homeless, college students, group homes, etc. These groups will all be counted on the same day. Employment for the census can be gotten on-line- 2020census.gov/jobs or 1-855-job-2020. Clerk Levings reported on the presentation made at the meeting by Pine County Health & Human Services Director Becky Foss. The county has a crisis line for mentally ill services- 1-800-523-3333. They also provide a drop-on center in Pine City every Friday. Services are available for transportation and connecting with Social Services also. All of these services are free
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, clerk
Also signed by the Chair- ______________________ Date ________________