Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors Beverly Carlin and Jason Fornengo, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings and Planning Commissioners Don Schirmer and Dave Baker.

Public Input- Dave Baker reported on a conversation he had with a landowner on Creekview Lane.  He was complaining about the condition of that road.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Agenda.  Carried.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the Minutes of Oct. 10, 2018.  Carried.

Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report.  The Cash Control Statement balanced with the Bank Statement.  CD 122016 in the amount of $28,065 was cashed in and the amount put in the Road & Bridge Fund.


General                                                           $10,861.39

Road & Bridge                                                 $31,275.00

Fire Protection                                                $13,950.15

Fire Hall                                                           $125.45

Cemetery/Landscaping                                   $1,869.80

Driveways                                                       $6,043.95

Savings                                                            $1,163.96

CD                                                                   $19,194.96

TOTAL FUNDS                                                  84,484.66

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.


# 6046             Frank Rehberger- Motor Fuels                       $99.73

# 6953             Beverly Carlin-Election & Mileage (4 trips)    $207.50

# 6954             Kettle River Graphics-Printing                        $10.00

#6955              AT&T-Telephone/Internet                              $97.03

#6956              Robin Fornengo-Town Hall Supplies               $46.69

#6957              Glen Williamson-Website                               $330.00

#6958              Fran Levings-Mileage-(5 trips)                       $193.80

#6959              Don Schirmer-Mileage (1 trip)                       $25.50

#6960              ECE-Electricity                                                $54.00

#6961              Dave Baker- Mileage (1 trip)                          $25.50

#6962              U.S. Postal Service-100 Stamps                      $50.00

#6963              Office Depot-Office Supplies & Event Supplies          $156.92

#6964              U.S. Postal Service- Postcard Stamps                         $8.75


Dave Baker-                $75.00                         Robin Fornengo-         $80.00

Beverly Carlin-            $400.00                       Fran Levings-               $570.00

Dave Fornengo-           $150.00                       Frank Rehberger-        $312.50

Jason Fornengo-          $100.00                       Don Schirmer-             $75.00

Mandy Fornengo-       $120.00

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to pay these bills.  Carried.


  1. Road Certification report has been completed and submitted to the Pine County Highway Department.  The township has 26.83 miles of roads.
  2. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to authorize the Clerk to spend up to $125 for the All-Community Get-Together on Dec. 8.
  3. Fran Levings & Dave Baker have reserved the town hall for Thanksgiving Day.


Planning Commissioners Don Schirmer and Dave Baker reported on Public Hearing they attended regarding the new Zoning Ordinance being developed by Pine County.  Mr. Schirmer said the county is considering changing the sub-division section to allow subdivisions as small as 5 acres.  When the final edition of the new ordinance reaches the township, the Planning Commission will review it, then make a recommendation to the Board.  The Board may then opt in or out of the Ordinance.  If the township opts into the new ordinance, it will be administered by the county.   It is expected that a fee will be required by Pine County to administer the ordinance.


  1. The Sign-off on the 2018 Road Work order was tabled until December.
  2. NPAHD Report- Fran Levings was re-elected to a 4-year term as the New Dosey Township representative to the Hospital District Board. She reported that the Board has scheduled an afternoon and evening of events for Nov. 15 which is National Rural Health Day.  The MN State Director of Rural Health will tour the hospital campus, then a film on suicide prevention will be shown in Sandstone.


  1. Pine County Township Officers meeting report- Beverly Carlin attended this meeting on October 27.  Her report included the following (1) State Senator Tony Lourey said that townships are good ground-work government (2) State Representative Jason Rarick spoke on Broadband- he is trying to get ECE to make a cooperative to help with this. (3) County Commissioner Matt Ludwig said that the county has a budget of $1.8 billion .  The state sets the wage guidelines and Pine County must pay or employees will go to another county to work.  (4) County Attorney Reese Frederickson said that the county has recently set up a Vets Court. (5) Sheriff Jeff Nelson said it is now harder to make drug arrests- lesser charge for 1s offense and can only arrest if they do not comply with treatment & classes.  (6) Pine County Assessor Kelly Schroder said that recycling is a big issue now. Board of Equalization training can be done on-line. (7) Jim Fisher, MAT district 7 representative recommends bringing the draft back so veterans would not have to have as many tours in a war zone.
  2. Pine County Board/Township Officers Meeting- Levings & Carlin attended this meeting on Oct. 30. The main topic was U. of MN Extension programs in Pine County.  2 of are Master Gardening and 4-H clubs.
  3. Culvert Meeting- Carlin attended this meeting. She said it dealt a lot with trout streams. Also learned that it is better to replace with large, rather than small, culverts.


  1. Chair Fornengo reported that he has not heard from FEMA yet regarding reimbursement for townships expenses due to flooding on Rocky Blvd.
  2. He also reported that he had been contacted by a property owner on Matt Lourey Trail North who would like work done on that road because he plans to retire here and become a year-round resident.
  3. Chair Fornengo also suggested having the township develop a short-range plan for road work-what work will be done on what roads and what year would the work be done. Consensus was to have him set up this plan and try to have a rough draft by December.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair __________________________   Date __________