Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisor Dave Baker, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, and Deputy Clerk Beverly Carlin.  Supervisor Jason Fornengo was absent.

There was no Public Input.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Agenda.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of October 11, 2017.  Carried.

Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report.


General Fund-                                                 $5,454.24

Road & Bridge Fund                                        $72,678.23

Cemetery/Landscaping Fund                          $3,195.95

Fire Protection Fund                                       $19,851.94

Fire Hall Fund                                                  $125.45

Driveways Fund                                               $6,242.96

Savings Account                                              $1,161.93

CDs                                                                  $46,682.34

TOTAL FUNDS                                                 $155,392.64

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay these bills.  Carried.


Fran Levings                                        Mileage- 2 Trips                                 $91.80

Wayne Hessler                                    Lease & Gas- Mowing                         $75.00

Dave Baker                                         Mileage- 1 Trip                                   $32.64

ECE                                                      Electricity- Oct. & Nov.                       $99.00

Ed Proffit                                             Road Work                                          $1,500.00

Pine County Courier                            Legal Notice                                        $33.84

Pine County Recorder                         County Plat Map                                 $25.00

Bruno Deep Rock                                Gas for Tank in Garage                       $655.33

AT & T Mobility                                   Telephone/Internet                             $101.95

Todd Elliott Excavating                       Road Work                                          $1,030.00

Beverly Carlin                                     Mileage- 1 Trip                                   $44.88


Dave Baker (Supervisor, Beaver Control)                              $315.00

Beverly Carlin (Deputy Clerk)                                                 $140.00

Dave Fornengo (Board Chair)                                                 $125.00

Jason Fornengo (Supervisor)                                                   $75.00

Mandy Fornengo (Treasurer)                                                 $140.00

Wayne Hessler (Lawnmowing)                                               $25.00

Fran Levings (Clerk, NPAHD, Cemetery, Zoning)                   $455.00

Frank Rehberger (Grader Operator)                                      $350.00


  1. Clerk requested authorization to have name plaques made for the large New Dosey Board of Honor Wall Plaque honoring Edward Carlin and Alan Holter.  She explained the criteria for placement on this plaque are the candidate must be deceased and have made a considerable contribution to the township.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, giving the clerk this authorization.
  2. Clerk requested authorization to spend up to $125 on prizes, etc. for the All-Community Get-Together on Dec. 2. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, granting this authorization.
  3. Date to Remember- December 2- 10am- Informational Town Meeting to discuss changing to a Clerk/Treasurer position and to making this an appointed, not elective position. 5:30 pm- All-Community Get-Together at the Town Hall.


  1. ROADS-
  2. Chair Fornengo and Supervisor Dave Baker reviewed all road work done by Contractors Ed Proffit and Todd Elliot, the signed off on the 2017 Road Work Order.
  3. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to hire Jason Fornengo as the Plow Truck Operator and John Fornengo as the substitute Plow Truck Operator for the 2017-2018 snow season.
  4. Supervisor Baker reported that he was contacted by a resident suggesting that a sign “Kingsdale- 5 miles” be placed at the intersection of Rutabaga Road and Kingsdale Road. Chair Fornengo said he would design a draft sign indicating both Kingsdale and Markville and have it ready for the Board at the December meeting.

Following another discussion of blight in our township, motion was made by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to host a Community Cleanup day in the spring of 2018.  Carried.  A dumpster will be placed at the town hall and all residents and weekenders will be notified to bring items to the dumpster.  People will be charged for any items that require a fee.


Clerk Levings explained again that she plans to run for re-election in the March- 2018 Township Election.  She would like to then resign in January of 2019-effective March- 2019.  The Board would then take applications and appoint a Clerk/Treasurer in March of 2019.  Levings would maintain her positions as NPAHD representative, cemetery sexton and zoning officer.  Since our township has a population of approximately 70 residents, she thinks they could be very well-served by one position of Clerk/Treasurer.   Minnesota Statute allows for both changes- that of a Clerk/Treasurer Combined Position and that of making such a position appointed, rather than elected.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to submit the question to adopt Option D to the electors, which would change the township government to allow for a Combined Clerk/Treasurer Position-effective March 15, 2019.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to submit the question to adopt Option B to the electors, which would allow the town board to appoint a clerk/treasurer, rather than have this position be elected-effective March 15, 2019..  Carried.

Option B is contingent upon Option D being approved by the electors.

In the event, Option D & B fail in the election of 2018, the Clerk said she will finish out her term and will not run in 2010.


  2. Pine County Board of Supervisors meeting with township officers on Oct. 24.  Beverly Carlin, Fran Levings & Dave Baker attended this meeting.  Some of the facts they learned were: (1) by 2030, there will be more people over the age of 65 than in grades K-12 in the U.S.

(2) The Older Americans Act was passed by President Johnson in 1965.

(3) MN is divided into 6 Agencies on Aging.  Pine County is in the Central MN Council on Aging and is represented by Steve Hallan.

(4) In 2010, Pine County had 5206 persons over 65.

(5) MN is ranked # 1 in the health of seniors.

(6) MN has modeled its Alzheimers care model on Australia.

(7) Pine City has a very good program for Alzheimers caregivers.

Following the program on Aging, County Board members asked for any problems we had.  Beverly Carlin expressed her concern about speeding on Rutabaga Road.

  1. Pine County Township Officers meeting- Oct. 28.  Fran Levings & Dave Baker attended this meeting.
  • Commissioner Steve Hallan reported that Pine County has a very good Meals on Wheels program, but it is on the chopping block in Congress now.
  • Pine County charges more crimes that our neighboring counties, but that does not mean we HAVE more crime, only that they are now charged out & the paperwork does not sit for months on a desk.
  • Meth, not opiods, is still the major drug problem in Pine County.
  • Congressman Nolan is working on getting completion of the 30 mile section of the Matt Lourey Trail that is still vacant from Hinckley to Chisago City.
  • MAT Short Courses will no longer be held at the Black Bear Casino, but will now be at the DECC in Duluth.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair _________________________  Date _________________