Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Vice-chair Dave Baker. Also present were Supervisor Jason Fornengo, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Beverly Carlin, Contractor Ed Proffit and Allen McKinney. Chair Dave Fornengo was absent.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Agenda. Carried.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Minutes of the September 13, 2017, meeting. Carried.
Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report.
- General Fund $8,123.36
- Road & Bridge Fund $81,205.28
- Cemetery/Landscaping Fund $3,017.77
- Fire Protection Fund $20,660.94
- Fire Hall Fund $125.45
- Driveways Fund $5,554.01
- Savings Account $1,161.64
- CDs $46,682.34
- TOTAL $166,530.79
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims and Net Payroll Lists for approval. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried.
- Town of Arna Lease-Small Grader $825.00
- Fornengo Plumbing Kitchen Sink $324.07
- TrueNorth Steel Culverts $4,653.60
- Robin Fornengo Reimburse-Town Hall Supplies $60.56
- AT&T Internet/Telephone $88.99
- Kettle River Graphics Printing $4.45
- Glen Williamson Website $230.00
- Jim Anderson Beaver Control $125.00
- Ed Proffit Road Work $2,375.00
- Federated Co-op Propane- Fire Hall $676.85
- Federated Co-op Propane- Town Hall $809.40
- Fran Levings Mileage- 2 Trips $69.36
- Dave Baker Mileage- 1 trip $65.28
- S. Postal Service Postcard Stamps $8.50
- S. Treasury 3rd Qtr. Taxes $666.32
Dave Baker (Supervisor, Beaver Control) $345.00
Beverly Carlin (Deputy Clerk) $120.00
Jason Fornengo (Supervisor) $115.00
Mandy Fornengo (Treasurer) $140.00
Robin Fornengo (Housekeeper) $110.00
Fran Levings (Clerk, NPAHD, Cemetery Sexton, Zoning) $395.00
Frank Rehberger (Grader Operator) $237.50
- Dates to remember- 24- Pine County Board Meeting with Township Officers- 6pm
Oct. 28- Pine County Townships Officers Meeting- 9 am- VFW Hinckley
- Road Certification Report has been completed & sent to the Pine County Highway Department. The township has 26.83 miles of roads.
- Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to host an All-Community Get-together on Dec. 2- 5:30 pm. Fun & Games also.
Land Use Permit # 149 to Larry Paron (Hunting Shack)
Land Use Permit # 150 to Dave Majeski (Garage)
Land Use Permit # 151 to Jeannie Virden- Mobile Home
(a) Report from Greg Beck that Rydberg should be finished crushing gravel the week of Oct. 16.
(b) Culverts have been delivered. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to sell a 10” culvert to Allen McKinney for $161.70. Carried. The precedent for selling culverts was set a few years ago and since then, 2 other property owners were allowed to do so. Dave Baker questioned whether or not we need another culvert on Hay Creek Road before the intersection with Rutabaga Road. Ed Proffit and Jason Fornengo said “No”. Supervisors Jason Fornengo and Dave Baker will look again at the culvert on Rocky Blvd. to see if it needs to be replaced yet.
(c) Dave Baker hired Mel Elliott, Jr. to work on Beaver Control for the township. Doug Wiita had cleaned out the beaver dam on Kingsdale Road.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to hold an Informational Town Meeting on Dec. 2, 2107, at the town hall (10am) for the purposed of explaining to the voters why this may be a good idea. Carried.
Fran Levings, representative to the NPAHD, distributed a handout on the State of Rural Health in MN and read aloud some statistics on Essentia Hospital-Sandstone.
- Legal Seminar Report- Levings and Baker reported that she learned a lot about Road Right-of Ways cemetery operations and, once again, Open Meeting Laws.
- Blight- Following a lengthy discussion regarding the messy property on one resident’s land and the fact that the township has received numerous complaints about this unsightful yard, Jason Fornengo made a motion that Baker and Levings talk to the property owner to see if he would be willing to put all of the junk in a dumpster if the township held a Cleanup Day and provided a dumpster. Motion seconded by Dave Baker.
- Clerk had spoken to a Pine County Supervisor to ascertain how that Board handled Public Input at meetings. While the township encourages all residents to attend meetings and provide input on issues of concern to the Board, she suggested having a policy on how that input would be presented. She presented a Public Policy Input for their consideration (Copy on file at the town hall and on the Township website).
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to adopt this policy. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Vice- chair _____________________ Date ______________