Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Vice Chair AJ Fornengo. Also present were the following: Supervisor Jason Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Jeannie Virden, Brandon Johnson, Curt Hoffman and Don Stoopes.  Absent was Chair Dave Fornengo.


  • Don Stoopes, property owner on Bee Hive Lane, expressed concern that the grader operator has torn out a culvert and when backing up to turn around had left ruts on his property.  He said he understands that the rain and beavers have been a problem also.  He showed a photo of posts that he had installed and the grader operator had knocked them out.  Vice Chair AJ Fornengo said he would look at the damage and the township would add Bee Hive Lane to the culvert installation list and a load of gravel would be put on the road.
  • Curt Hoffman, representing TDA Green Aggregate Solutions, made a presentation on the value of using old tires for some areas requiring road repair and maintenance.  Vice-chair Fornengo thanked him for coming and said the township would consider this project in 2020.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the Agenda. (Carried 2-0)

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve minutes of September 12th, 2019. (Carried 2-0)

Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented and prepared the Treasurer’s Report and the Cash Balance Statement:

                FUND BALANCES:

                                General Fund-  $9,322.36

                                Road & Bridges-  $18,951.11

                                Fire Protection-  $13,129.00

                                Cemetery/Landscaping- $74.87

                                Fire Hall- $125.45

                                Driveways-   $5,828.03

                                Savings-  $1,164.83

                                CD-  $19,374.98

                                TOTAL   $69.970.63                          

                RECEIPTS- SEPTEMBER 2019

                                Pine County Treasurer   PILT                 $9,506.40

                                Northview Bank                Interest on Savings          $0.87

                                Northview Bank                Interest on Checking       $14.10

Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. (Carried2-0)

Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.


                                #7094                    Frances Levings                 Planning Commission                     $20.00

`                               #7095                    Don Schirmer                     Planning Commission                     $20.00

                                #7096                    Dave Baker                         Planning, Disposal Dis.                   $70.00

                                #7097                    Kettle River Grafix           Printing                                                $7.00

                                #7098                    Glendon Williamson        Website                                               $330.00

                                #7099                    AT&T Mobility                   Telephone/Internet                        $97.42

                                #7100                    NAPA                                    Grader Parts                                       $53.99

                                #7101                    Marty’s Pest Control       Pest Eradication                                $125.00

                                #7102                    Askov Deep Rock              Fuel                                                       $891.70

                                #7103                    Robin Fornengo                 Town Hall Supplies                          $19.92

                                #7104                    East Central Energy         Electricity-Oct 2019                          $51.00

                                #7105                    Edward Proffit                   Road Work                                          $3,050.00

                                #7106                    Dave Fornengo                 Equipment Rental                            $75.00

                                #7107*                 United States Treasury  Payroll Taxes                                      $1,145.97

                GROSS PAY:

                                AJ Fornengo                       $100.00

                                Dave Fornengo                 $125.00

                                Jason Fornengo                $100.00

                                Julia Fornengo                  $37.50

                                Mandy Fornengo             $120.00

                                Fran Levings                       $345.00

                                Tamara Miritello               $180.00

                                Doug Wiita                          $400.00

                                Robin Fornengo                $50.00

Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to pay these bills. (Carried 2-0).


  • Date to Remember – October 26th, 2019 – Pine County Township Officer’s Meeting.  It’s being held at the VFW hall in Hinckley, MN at 9AM.
  • Dave Baker has reserved the town hall for Thanksgiving Day.
  • Should we host an All-Community Get Together again? This would take place on December 7th, 2019. – Consensus was YES!
  • Training is going really well with the Deputy Clerk. Clerk Levings said she is learning everything and doing great!


  1. The Planning Commission voted 2-1 to NOT opt-in to the Pine County Zoning Ordinance. The plan to amend the New Dosey Land Use Ordinance.
  2. Deloris Schirmer has resigned from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Motion to appoint Beverly Carlin to this position.  – Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo. (Carried 2-0)
  3. MPCA is amending its water-quality rules. Pine County handles this, so Zoning Administrator does not think we need to be represented at the hearings on this matter.
  4. Land Use Permits granted recently- 
    1. Scott Walberg- Storage Shed
    1. Randy Maxwell- Cabin
    1. Dan Raboin-Remodeling home


  1. Squib Creek Turn-Around: Vice-Chair AJ Fornengo reported that the township has retained Attorney Micheal Couri, St. Micheal, MN to represent the township in the matter. Mr. Couri specializes in Township Law. Mr. Fornengo read a letter between Mr. Couri and Patrick Doran, who is representing Deloris Schirmer “the township and the Schirmer’s would meet at the turn-around after a snowfall this winter and would see if the parties  could agree on the extent of use and maintenance of the turn-around. And could then mark the location of the existing turn-around in an effort to define the turn-around and keep it from expanding in the future”. AJ Fornengo said he was satisfied that this process should work well for both parties.
  2. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the Resolution Requiring Bond for Cartway Petition. (Carried 2-0). – Cartway petitioner Brandon Johnson posted bond of$2,000.00 and October 28th, 2109 at 1PM was set as the date for the Cartway Hearing.
  3. 2019 Road Work – Supervisor Jason Fornengo said he would call C & T Construction for an update.  He said that the large amount of rainfall this year has impeded all road work in the township.
  4. NPAHD Report:
    1. Handouts regarding a therapist at Gateway Clinic underwritten by the Hospital District and Healthy Eating Brochure handed out to all patrons of the Sandstone Food Shelf.  It was drafted by the Hospital District Hospital.
    1. SOME ESSENTA-SANDSTONE STATISTICS- for the 12 months from May, 2018-April, 2019- Average number in one year.
  5. ER Visits – 299
  6. Ambulance Transports – 218
  7. X-Rays, Scans etc. -365
  8. All Therapies (Physical, Occupational, Speech, Cardia Rehab) – 468
  9. Surgeries & Scopes – 31
  10. New Outpatient – 17
  11. Unique Patients (Wound Care, Respiratory, Sleep lab & Infusion) – 884
  12. New Patients to Sandstone Essentia – 177


Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk                          Also, Signed by the Chair__________________________Date_________