Meeting called to order at7:30 p.m.by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Ken Coveau and Dave Baker, Clerk Fran Levings, John Nelson, Ron Petroske, and Ed Proffit. Absent was Treasurer Margaret Coveau.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Ken Coveau, to approve the agenda. Carried.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to approve the minutes of theAugust 8, 2012, meeting. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report. (Attached to File copy of these minutes) FUND BALANCES ARE: General Fund-$14677.76, Road & Bridge Fund-$36354.37, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund-$291.76, Fire Protection Fund-$5279.50, Fire Hall Fund-$125.45, Cartway Fund-$89.15, Savings Account-$1153.61 and CDs- $57971.60. Clerk Levings also presented a list of all receipts from June 1st. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Ken Coveau, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried.
- Chair Fornengo and Clerk Levings signed the Cemetery Deed for the sale of Cemetery Lot 14 (Block 4) to Methven Funeral Home for $200.00. Witnessed by Supervisors Baker and Coveau.
Clerk reported that Supervisor Baker and Al Holter did some staking at the Cemetery. Clerk reported that she went to the Pine County Courthouse for a new cemetery map.
- Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, that New Dosey Township enroll in the Operation Round-up program of East Central Energy. Carried.
- Land Use Permit # 93 granted to John Goodrich for a mound septic installation.
- Al Holter, Beaver Control agent, trapped the beaver on Johnson’s Creek.
- Ron Petroske reported on beaver control work he has done on Oman’s Drive.
- Supervisor signed off on the 2012 Road Work order. All requested road work has been completed. Supervisors added more road work to the list. (Attached to 2012 Road Work order). Chair Fornengo requested that Clerk Levings add to the 2013 Road Review that rocks in hills and 4-ditch roads should be examined. Ken Coveau will work on culvert problem on Rocky Road.
- Chair Fornengo presented the background of the Road Sign Reflectivity mandate. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, authorizing Chair Fornengo to place a road sign order with M&R Signs, Inc. Carried.
- Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to hire Ken Coveau, as the snowplow operator for the winter of 2012-2013. Carried.
- John Nelson expressed concern that full-time residents are treated differently than weekenders when it comes to snow plowing of roads and driveways. He suggested having a map of the township in the plow truck. Ken Coveau explained that he and Ice & Snow Removal driver Frank Rehberger were new to the job last year. Dave Fornengo explained that the township cannot lose money on the plowing of private drives. Mr. Coveau said that he and Mr. Rehberger will scout out the plowing routes ahead of time this year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Chair _______________________
Date ____________________________