Meeting called to order by Clerk Fran Levings.  14  people were in attendance.

The Clerk asked for a moment of silence for Emma Fornengo, who had passed away during the past year.  Clerk announced that coffee and treats were available.

Head Judge Dave Baker read the statement of the results of the Board of Canvass of the township election.  Vicki Elliott received 15 votes  for treasurer and Peggy Coveau received 1 write-in vote for treasurer.  Dave Fornengo received 16 votes for supervisor.

Motion by Peggy Coveau, second by Dave Fornengo, to nominate Ed Carlin as moderator of the meeting.  No other nominations, so Mr. Carlin was elected moderator.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Tony Loun, to approve the agenda.  Carried.

Motion by Agnes Sexton, second by Wes Cemenski, to approve the minutes of the annual meeting of March 11,2008, with the correction that the Tri-District Disposal change in fees was from $36 to $30, not from $39.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the annual treasurer’s report for Treasurer Vicki Elliot who could not be at the meeting (Report is on file with these minutes)  Motion by Peggy Coveau, second by Fran Levings, to approve the report.  Carried.

Chair Dave Fornengo presented the annual chair’s report.  Said that most of the road work approved in June ’08 was completed and signed off on at the Dec. ’08 meeting. He said road brushing was under consideration for ’09.  He also reported that the township now has a website and has received many positive reactions to it.  Motion by Ed Carlin, second by Peggy Coveau, to accept the chair’s report.  Carried.

Vice-chair Dave Baker brought the group up-to-date on the lawsuit against the township.  Judge Jim Reuter ruled in May that the “trail” under dispute was NOT a township road.  Shortly after the ruling, Don Proffit and Jerry Hanson filed a cartway petition with the township.  The cartway process is still on-going.   Mr. Baker also reported that there have been some technical problems with the Wind Meter, but Allen Wolf, Bob Brewster, and Al Holter have worked them out. The township has only spent $585 on the wind program.  All labor has been donated.  Consensus was that if we did install a wind tower, it would generate 20% more power than registered on the meter because it would be up higher.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Peggy Coveau, to accept the vice-chair’s report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented a budget report. From looking at the Treasurer’s report, it is obvious that the township is spending more money that it is taking in.  She suggested some budget cuts.  Dave Baker suggested acting on these cuts after the levy has been discussed.   Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Peggy Coveau, to approve the Clerk’s report.  Carried.

Dave Baker coordinated the discussion of the levy.  He compared our township with Arna and Wilma.  We have been levying at a much lower rate for several years.  We were able to do this when we received timber sales money from Pine County, but those funds have virtually dried up.  The share of the property tax that goes to the township is small.

Ed Carlin expressed concerns about work done on the Kingsdale Road and grader driver Don Mishler defended his work .Discussion digressed into a discussion of the snow-plowing policy.  Dave Baker said that road work will be “bare-boned” this year-road projects for ’09 will be scaled back.  Mr. Carlin also asked why the disc that the township purchased is never used.  Mr. Mishler replied that it does not fit with his or Todd Elliott’s tractor.  Mr. Carlin said it would fit with his tractor.  He also supports the idea of cutting back on road work for one year.   Motion by Fran Levings, second by Wes Cemenski, to raise the levy for the General Fund from $5000 to $10000 and the levy for the Road & Bridge Fund from $15000 to $30000.   Carried by a 10-4 vote.

Interim Zoning Administrator Fran Levings presented the Zoning Report.  3 land use permits were issued in ’08- 1 shed and 2 home additions.  Jim Allen has resigned from the Zoning Commission due to health concerns.  Ms. Levings said she thinks a commission of 4 persons is adequate.  Allen Wolf and Todd Elliott were appointed to another 2-year term.  Ed Carlin has one year left in his term.

Consensus was to leave most salaries as they are.  Motion by Ed Carlin second by Tony Loun, to lower the rate of pay for grading and snowplowing from $20/hour to $15/hour for one year, then look at it again in 2010.  Intense discussion followed.  Motion carried by an 8-4 vote, with 2 abstentions.

After lengthy discussion of the Snow Removal Policy enacted in 2008, motion by Ed Carlin, second by Agnes Sexton, to leave the policy as it is.  Carried.  Wes Cemenski’s name will be added to those persons who will plow private drives if hired instead of the township.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Wes Cemenski to send $50 each to Family Pathways and Seven-County Senior Federation as a contract for services.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Agnes Sexton, to contract with the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department again for one year for $3500.  Carried.  Dave Baker said that the Dairyland Volunteer Fire Department and the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department are working out a mutual aid program.

Motion by Deloris Schirmer, second by Wes Cemenski, to add names to the Roll of Honor plaque that was begun by the New Dosey Homemakers several years ago.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Tony Loun, that the Cloverton Cemetery be designated as a “green” cemetery.  Carried.  This means that a body would not have to be embalmed or put in a coffin in order to be buried there.  An employee of the Methven Funeral Home has told the Clerk that this process would still have to be done with a funeral home and the 3 criteria that DO require embalming are:  if a public viewing is held, if burial is NOT going to occur within 72 hours, and for airline transportation.

Motion by Wes Cemenski, second by Ed Carlin, to purchase a new lawnmower.  Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Beverly Carlin, to continue to use First National Bank of the North-Sandstone as the township depository.  Carried.

As  recommended by the Clerk in a money saving idea, motion by Peggy Coveau, second by Beverly Carlin, to ONLY use the Pine County Courier for public notices.  Carried.  This means that the Evergreen and the Askov American will not be used for public notices anymore.  State law dictates that townships publish notices in at least 1 newspaper and post such notices in 2 places.  We post our notices in the outdoors Notice Board and on the bulletin board in the town hall.  We also try to get our notices on the Webpage

In accordance with further recommendations made by the Clerk as budget cuts, the following motions were made and approved:

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Wes Cemenski, that the township  send a request to the Pine County Auditor to go to Mail-In Voting for the primary and general elections in the future.  Carried.  This will save the township about $1500 in an election year.

Motion by Wes Cemenski, second by Beverly Carlin, to charge a rental fee of $25.00 for use of the town hall by private individuals.  Carried.  This does not apply to community events.

At the request of the Clerk, motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Ed Carlin, to reduce the mileage reimbursement from 47.5 cents/mile to 35 cents/mile, for one year.  Carried.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Wes Cemenski, to raise the “filing for office” fee from $2 to $5.  Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Peggy Coveau, to set the date and time for the next annual meeting as the 2nd Tuesday in March 2010 following the township election.  Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 10:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair________________________- Date signed _________