Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors Jason Fornengo and Dave Baker, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo and Clerk Fran Levings.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the agenda.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the minutes of May 13, 2015.  Carried.

Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the treasurer’s report (attached to file copy of these minutes).


  • Road & Bridge $12290.43
  • General ($2389.15)
  • Cemetery/Landscaping $1487.70
  • Fire Protection $6319.94
  • Fire Hall $125.45
  • Savings $1160.12
  • Driveways $3768.21
  • CDs $45046.88
  • TOTAL $67809.58

Clerk Levings reported that she and the Treasurer had learned at the MAT Short Course that the Town Aid money received in 2014 was intended for property tax relief.  It was not mandated by the legislature that it be used for this, however, it is up to the Board to decide.  If the Board feels the extra money is necessary for maintaining its services and programs, they can decide to not recommend lowering the tax levy.  The Clerk and Treasurer also learned that if a personal credit card is used for township purchases, the tax exemption cannot be taken.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, that the clerk apply for a township credit card via Northview Bank.  Carried.   Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List & the Net Payroll List for approval (attached to file copy of these minutes).  Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to pay these bills.  Carried.


  • Thank-you letter received from the Old School Arts Center for the Contract for Services donation.
  • Clerk asked for permission to give the old laptop of the treasurer to Glen Williamson for his help in migrating to CTAS 8. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to do so.
  • Cemetery Sexton Report- (1) The Perpetual Care Fund has netted $235 in donations thus far. (2) Ed Proffit donated ½ truck of black dirt to the cemetery. (3) Cemetery Clean-up will be May 16 at 10am.


  • Letter from Kelly Schroeder, Pine County Land Services Director, stating that in 2016 the cost of assessing a parcel will go from $1 to $1.50.


  • The Board assigned 2015 road work to contractors Ed Proffit and Todd Elliot.
  • The dilapidated mobile home on Little Fawn Lane may be in violation of our Zoning Ordinance. Topic was tabled until June meeting of the Board.


  • Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason to hire Clint Coveau as the lawn mower operator for 2015. Dave Fornengo will draft a lease for the township to rent Mr. Coveau’s equipment during the time that he is working for the township.
  • NPAHD Report- Levings reported that the District will present a resolution to the City of Sandstone asking them to not provide assistance to any group wanting to start a long-term care facility in the area for 1 year.
  • Tax-Forfeited land program from Pine County has the Highland addition to the townsite on the list. If the township does not want the sale, it must have its own purpose for the property.
  • Letter from Greg Beck, Pine County Land Department, stating that the township still has $685 from them to spend on the Matt Lourey Trail South.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Respectfully submitted- Fran Levings, Clerk ______________________________

Also signed by the Chair ____________________________Date________