Meeting called to order at 10am by Clerk Fran Levings. Also present were Town Chair Dave Fornengo,Supervisors Dave Baker and Jason Fornengo, Planning Commissioners Ed Carlin and Anthony John Fornengo, Diana Stellmach, Don Mishler, Beverly Carlin, Marlene Mishler, Mike S.
Clerk explained how the public was notified- Legal notice in Pine Courier, postings on bulletin board and notice board, website, and calls were made. She introduced the members of the Town Board and the Planning Commission. She said that a copy of the entire proposed Ordinance can be read on the township website and copies can be obtained from the township by calling her at 320-242-3933.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to appoint Beverly Carlin to be the meeting moderator. Carried.
Zoning Administrator Fran Levings and Chair Dave Fornengo explained the background of the purpose of the SubSurface Sewage Ordinance. The township must have an ordinance in place by February 28th of this year. The Planning Commissioner recommended to the Board that we adapt the Pine County SSTS Ordinance as a model for our ordinance. Pine County Zoning Administrator Kelly Schroeder attended the October meeting of the Town Board to field any questions and concerns.
Questions and comments from the public- Dave Fornengo said the Board thought it was important for the township to have a “footprint” in the procedure and we should maintain local control over our tax dollars. Ed Carlin asked what the rules now would be for outhouses. Dave Fornengo replied that all existing outhouses are “grandfathered in” as they are and any new construction of outhouses would need a permit from the SSTS Coordinator. Beverly Carlin asked if any current sewage systems would be inspected by the county or township. Dave Baker responded “No” except at the point of a sale, an inspection would be triggered. Discussion of the need to have 3-year pumping of all systems. Dave Fornengo said he saw no need for this because we do not have a section on lots that are heavily inhabited. A general discussion of mound systems ensued. AJ Fornengo recommended that residents do not flush sanitary wipes down the toilet. Dave Baker inquired as to what would cause a public health threat. The holding tank requirements on page 9 of the proposed Ordinance were discussed. Diana Stellmach asked if she would need to let the Township know each time she had her system pumped and was told “No”. Other parts of the proposed Ordinance that were discussed were Required Contents of a Management Plan on page 16, Compliance Inspections on page 18 and Transfer of Properties on page 19
Motion by Dave Baker, second by AJ Fornengo, to adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.
Respectfully submitted, Fran Levings Clerk
Also signed by the moderator __________________________________