Meeting called to order at7:30 p.m.by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Ken Coveau and Dave Baker, Treasurer Margaret Coveau, and Clerk Fran Levings.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Ken Coveau, to approve the agenda. Carried.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting ofFebruary 8, 2012. Carried.
Treasurer Margaret Coveau presented the Treasurer’s Report (attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Ken Coveau, to approve the report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll list for approval. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay these bills.
CLERK’S REPORT: 1. Reminder of dates: Mar. 31- Pine County Officer’s Meeting
April 6- MAT Short Course
April 9- Board of Review
- The IRS mileage rate will remain at 51c/mile until July 1st when it will be raised to 55.5c/mile.
- Letter from Central Applicators
- Letter from DNR and Sheriff Cole regarding fire protection following the July 1st blow-down.
- Letter from CenturyLink.
- Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to approve the resolution re-establishing township boundaries.
ZONING REPORT: 1. Letter sent to a resident regarding waste disposal.
- E-mail regarding special assessments. The township does not have any.
OLD BUSINESS: 1. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to refund $120.00 to William West because his driveway inadvertently did not get plowed this winter.
NEW BUSINESS: 1. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to hire Margaret Coveau to do the lawnmowing at the town hall and cemetery this summer at a rate of $15/hour. Carried. Ken Coveau abstained from voting.
- Supervisors discussed the 2012 Road Review. Supervisor Coveau will contact Hopkins Sand & Gravel about Class 5 gravel. Supervisor Baker reminded the Board that the County pit West of Hwy 24 that the township has purchased.
Meeting adjourned at8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Chair __________________________ Date __________