Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Dave Baker and Jason Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Joe McCarthy and Jim McCarthy.  Margaret Coveau, Treasurer, was absent.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Agenda.  Carried.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the minutes of the Feb. 12, 2014, regular Board meeting.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report.(Attached to file copy of these minutes).  Fund balances are: General Fund- $7672.13, Road & Bridge Fund- $18815.53, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund- $555.74, Fire Protection- $2927.45, Fire Hall Fund- $125.45, Cartway Fund- $89.15, Savings Account- $1157.08, Driveways Fund- ($1182.52), CDs- $44355.04.  Receipts for March were: $200 for Snow Removal on that portion of Hay Creek Road which lies in Arna Township, Interest on Checking Account-$5.83, Gas Tax Distribution from Pine County- $7317.18 and Donation from Deloris Schirmer to the Driveways Fund.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.  (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried.


1. Dates to remember-             March 29- Pine County Township Officers Meeting

Hinckley- VFW- 9am.

April 4- MAT short course in Carlton.

April 7- Board of Review       1pm.

2. Clint Coveau, Markville, is willing to be the lawn mowing employee for 2014.Consensus was to hire him at a rate of $25/hour.

3. Clerk distributed the 2013 Financial statement of the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department.



  1. Access to the property of Jim McCarthy was discussed.  Clerk Fran Levings reported to the Board on what has recently transpired.  A resident has requested and was sent a copy of the Road order for the ¼ mile road going north from Rutabaga Road.  This road is close to the Wisconsin border.  The Board then received a letter for another resident stating that Mr. McCarthy had been asked to try to find another route to his property.  Since the Board is responsible for providing access to any landlocked parcel and since it appears that easement negotiations have either broken down or stalled, a motion was made by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to set April 28, 2014, as the date for another Town Meeting.  The purpose of this meeting will be to once again ask the voters of New Dosey Township to authorize the Town Board to do work on this road.  This would, in effect, re-assert township authority over the road.  The Clerk will provide all necessary notification to both the voters and the landowners involved.
  2. The Plowing Private Drives Policy was also discussed.  The Clerk provided the results of the research she had done.  Reviewing the records of donations made to the Driveway program and disbursements for plowing the drives, she reported that total receipts from 2007-2012 were $17,800 and disbursements during that period were $4018 for payroll.  The Supervisors than calculated that “wear & tear” on the plow truck was @$10.045.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to transfer $7755 from the Road & Bridge Fund to the Driveways Fund.  Carried. The Clerk was asked to revise the Plowing Private Drives Policy by adding that “all gated properties must be left unlocked or the landowner will not qualify for having his/her driveway plowed.”  She will bring a draft of the revised policy to the April Board Meeting.  Clerk will also ask for local address of landowners requesting to be put on the list. Dave Fornengo said the Board should create a list of local contractors who can be called if a landowner does not want to be on the Township list.
  3. A plow truck replacement plan was also discussed.  A motion was made and approved at the Annual Meeting to sell the truck and purchase a pick-up truck.  Dave Fornengo will research all aspects- value of the truck, cost of a V-Plow, etc.


  1. The township received a list of tax-forfeited land sales.  43 acres by the old dump site was listed.  Dave Fornengo suggested that the Township consider purchasing this property for a part- a walk-in nature area that would have a campsite.   The second parcel listed was in the town site.  Dave Fornengo will contact County Land Director Greg Beck to inquire about the 60-day deadline for a response.  The township may want to explore uses of this parcel also. Both issues would need to be put before the Planning Commission.
  2. Chair Fornengo reported on a letter from the North Pine Area Hospital District explaining the advantages of joining them.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Fran Levings, Clerk             Signed by the Chair  __________