Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors Don Mishler and Dave Baker, Treasurer Vicki Elliott and Clerk Fran Levings.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting of August 9, 2010, as printed.  Carried.

Treasurer Vicki Elliott presented the Treasurer’s Report (Attached to file copy of these minutes).  The following receipts were received in August:  Plowing Private Drives- $120.00,  Additional Cartway Bond payment- $500.00,  PILT payment from Pine County Treasurer- $5400.16 and interest earned- $16.39.  FUND BALANCES ARE: General Fund- $6685.86, Road & Bridge Fund- $24,183.76, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund-$771.00, Fire Protection Fund-$150.68, Fire Hall Fund-$125.45, Cartway Fund-$2428.41 and Savings-$7060.96.  Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval.  (Attached to file copy of these minutes).  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to pay these bills.  Carried.


  1. Reminder of date change for October regular meeting.  Since Oct. 11th is an observed holiday, the meeting will be held on October 13th.
  2. Clerk plans to attend the District 7 meeting of the MN Ass’n of Townships in Cambridge on Sept. 23rd.
  3. Payment notices for Plowing Private Drives will be sent out this week.



  1. Pine County Forester Greg Beck had called Supervisor to report that the Pine County Board had authorized the county to provide $5,000.00 for improvements to the Munger Trail going south of Rutabaga Road for 1 mile, then west for 1 mile.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to hold a town meeting on Oct.4th at 7 p.m for the purpose of getting voter approval to proceed with these improvements. Carried.

Clerk will do all public notices and notification of all property owners on the trail.

  1. Cartway Update- Clerk spoke with petitioner Jerry Hanson who reported that he had been in contact with both Tim Henderson and Dean Reis about the possibility of an easement.  He will keep the township informed of developments.
  2. Alterative Energy Update- Consensus was to put the matter before the voters at the March annual meeting and ask them to make a decision.  Supervisor Baker will have all costs, etc. to present at that meeting.
  3. Chair Fornengo reported that the road brushing machine will arrive around the middle of September from Diamond Mowers and Wes Cemenski will be the operator.  Cost is $2500/week.


  1. Supervisor Baker reported that he had checked with the MN Ass’n of Townships and was told that only a valid driver’s license is required for any township operators or drivers.  Clerk will notify all township employees and ask for a copy of his/her driver’s license.
  2. Board will pay for a replacement culvert for the driveway of Don Eddy.  Board policy is that the property owner pay for the initial culvert, then the township will pay for a replacement.  Clerk will place an order for culverts with Johnson-Fargo Inc.
  3. Chair Fornengo will contact T & T Logging about removing a dead tree on the township alley by Bill West’s home (formerly Helen Feldt home).
  4. Chair Fornengo presented a handout on a Transportation Enhancement Project.


  1. Board authorized repairs on the grader.  Supervisor Mishler will take care of this.
  2. Todd Elliott will be contacted about cleaning out some beaver dams with a backhoe.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair _____________________  Date ________________