Meeting called to order at7:30 pm.by Vice-chair Dave Baker. Also present were Supervisor Ken Coveau and Clerk Fran Levings. Absent were Chair Dave Fornengo and Treasurer Margaret Coveau.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to approve the agenda. Carried.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to approve the minutes of theSeptember 12, 2012, meeting. Carried.
Clerk presented the Treasurer’s Report as prepared by Treasurer Margaret Coveau.(Attached to file copy of these minutes) Fund balances are: General Fund-$13789.17, Road & Bridge Fund-$24363.96, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund-$120.33, Fire Protection Fund-$5279.50, Fire Hall Fund-$125.45, Cartway Fund-$89.15, Savings Account-$44921.75 and CDs-$42950.14. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll List for approval. (Attached to file copy of these minutes) Motion by Dave Baker, second by Ken Coveau, to pay these bills. Carried.
- Presented a request by a property owner to consider passing an animal control ordinance. Consensus was the not do so and to encourage residents to work this out among themselves.
- Announced a Pine County Township Ass’n meeting inHinckleyon Oct. 27.
- Announced that she had completed and returned a PERA survey.
- Consensus was to add Matt Lourey Trail N and Matt Lourey Trail S to the Road Certification list- 1 mi. each. Further consensus was to change the length of township road authority onCreekview Lanefrom .5 mi. to 2 miles.
- Ken Coveau said he still intends to get work done on the culvert onRocky Road. He plans to do it after the next township grading.
- Dave Baker reported on a conversation he had with Kip Ryberg about crushing gravel. Mr. Ryberg gave a price of $4/yd.. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Baker, to have 5000 yds crushed. Mr. Ryberg said the township could pay ½ this year and the rest in 2013.
- Dave Baker will contact Todd Elliott Excavating about putting existing class 5 on top of the pit run to be put onMcDermott Creek Rd.,Kingsdale Rd.,Hay Creek Rd., andSquib Creek Rd.
- Discussion on the beaver control problems.
- Dave Baker presented a report that Chair Fornengo had prepared on the road sign replacement update.(Attached to file copy of these minutes.)
- Motion by Dave Baker, second by Ken Coveau, to sign the fire protection agreement with the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department for the period from Oct. 2012-Oct. 2013 for a price of $4500.00 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at7:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the vice-chair ___________________________ Date _______________