Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were
Supervisors AJ Fornengo and Dave Baker (on speakerphone) and Deputy
Clerk/NPAHD Representative Fran Levings. Absent were Clerk Tamara Miritello
and Treasurer Wayne Hessler.
There was no public input.
Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo to approve the Agenda.
Carried (3-0).
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo to approve the minutes of
the August 10, 2022 meeting. Carried (3-0).
Treasurer’s Report was tabled until the October meeting. The books are almost
completely reconciled. Two figures of $62.01 and .29c are needed for
reconciliation. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo to remove
these 2 entries. Carried (3-0). Clerk will meet with CTAS specialist from MAT
and work out the final reconciliation.
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker to pay the following Payroll
and Claims. Carried (3-0).
Dave Baker $92.35 Fran Levings $184.70
AJ Fornengo $92.35 Tamara Miritello $147.76
Dave Fornengo $115.44 Doug Wiita $542.55
Wayne Hessler $92.35
7439 Wayne Hessler Reissued Check $92.35
7440 Larry Kern Beaver Control $600.00
7441 Marty’s Pest Control Ladybug Eradication $125.00
7442 AT&T Mobility Telephone/Internet-09-2022` $97.87
7443 East Central Energy Electric Bill 09-2022 $57.00
7444 Bruno Deep Rock, LLC Fuel $1180.99
7445 Pine County Primary Election $178.48
- Nicole from MAT is still working on the books.
- Township Legal Seminar- Saturday, September 17, 2022, @Rutledge.
OLD BUSINESS: - Road Work- Chair Fornengo reported that Pine County used some
gravel from the township gravel pit, then replaced what they used. He
also reported that the new grader needs some work and he is taking
care of it.
a. Dr. Thomas Witt, Essentia- Sandstone administrator reported
that the hospital is having extreme staffing shortages. They
have 9 beds at the hospital, but can only staff 4 of them. This
problem is not unique to Sandstone. There is a statewide and
nationwide shortage of medical staff-not just doctors and
nurses, but also radiologists, lab technicians, all medical fields.
b. They hope to have the new Essentia Hospital in Duluth open in
the spring of 2023.
c. The Hospital District approved a grant request of $3,000.00 from
Community Connection Allies. This non-profit organization
provides and delivers food twice/weekly to senior, veterans and
low-income people in northern Pine County. Clients are asked to
pay $7/meal if possible, but not required if they cannot afford it. - ELECTIONS REPORT-
New Dosey Township now has 56 registered voters. For the
August 9 Primary Election, 14 persons voted. 4 voted in the
Republican Primary, 5 voted in the DFL Primary and 5 voted non-
partisan. There were 8 votes in favor of the school referendum
and 6 in opposition. Mail-In ballots for the Midterm Election will
be mailed on September 23.
Meeting adjourned by gavel at 8:05pm.
Next Meeting- October 12, 2022 at 7:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk