All monthly minutes that are posted are unapproved and can change/edit at any point prior and at the following meeting.  Unapproved Minutes will be posted prior to next monthly meeting.


Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were the following: Supervisor’s Jason Canesi & Anthony Fornengo, Clerk Tamara Miritello. From the public, Robin Fornengo joined us.

Pledge of Allegiance


                Clerk Tamara suggest that we post minutes but have a disclaimer that all monthly minutes that are posted are unapproved and can change/edit at any point prior and at the following meeting.  Unapproved Minutes will be posted prior to next monthly meeting.

Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to approve the April 11th, 2023 agenda. (Carried 3-0)

Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to approve the minutes from March 8th, 2023 meeting. (Carried 3-0)

Treasurer’s Report and Cash Balance Statement – tabled (Carried 3-0)

                Books are still being worked on by MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) and Clerk Tamara Miritello and Wayne Hessler

Clerk Tamara Miritello prepared and presented the Claims and Payroll list for approval.

CLAIMS – April 2023

                AT&T                                                     Phone/Internet April 2023                                           $97.77

                ECE                                                         Electric April 2023                                                            $62.00

                Deep Rock                                           Fuel Invoice #12943                                                        $693.82

                Community Connection                2023 Contract for services                                           $250.00

                Seven County Senior                      2023 Contract for service                                             $250.00                

                Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Freder    Grader contract – indebtedness               $1,000.00

                Anthony Fornengo                          Tri-Township Disposal meeting                                 $50.00

                Ziegler Cat                                          Service and Parts                                                             $8,268.90

                David Fornengo                                Miles PC Officers meeting                                           $46.92

                Fran Levings                                       Elections & Dave Baker’s cake                                   $107.98

                Beverly Carlin                                    Elections Judge and mileage                                       $176.00

                Pine Tax & Accounting                  Tax year 2022                                                                    $105.00

                Amazon                                               Online order for grader lights                                    $228.52

                Casey’s General                               Fuel for plow truck                                                          $100.84

                Robin Fornengo                               Elections                                                                             $70.00

                US Treasury                                        1st Qtr. Payroll Taxes                                                      $1,474.24

                                                                                                                                                     TOTAL            $12,981.99

PAYROLL -April 2023

Dave Baker                                                                                                                         $100.00

Jason Canesi                                                                                                                      $200.00

Dave Fornengo                                                                                                                 $1,035.00

Anthony Fornengo                                                                                                          $400.00

Robin Fornengo                                                                                                               $50.00

Fran Levings                                                                                                                       $155.00

Wayne Hessler                                                                                                                 $510.00

Tamara Miritello                                                                                                             $905.00

                                                                                                                TOTAL                $3,355.00

Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)


  1. MAT trainer is still working on our books –
  2. Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting April 20th, 2023 – 3pm @Pine County Govt center in Sandstone
  3. Township Legal Sept. 16th, 2023 – Rutledge
  4. Opioid Forum April 26th, 2023 Grand Casino 5-8pm
  5. Public Workshop for Zoning – April 20th, 2023 @6pm at the Sandstone County Office
  6. Pine County Household Hazardous Waste is looking for temporary staff for the Household Hazardous Waste Facility located at the North Pine Transfer Station in Willow River. More Info
  7. Two calls in regards to a dumpster in the Kingsdale area
    1. Complaints that the dumpster hasn’t been emptied since Nov.2022. Animals have now gotten into the dumpster and created a mess. Callers also, suggested that the dumpster be moved to the stop sign and second dumpster to be provided as more people are coming up to the area.

Response from the board – this should be taken directly to Tri-Township Disposal committee. Jeff Shute – 320-245-2768

Any disposal issues are handled through the Tri-Township committee and not the board. Our board representative did discuss this matter with the committee in the past meeting.


Road Work

  1. Just waiting to see how the Spring thaw goes. With water rising, its unknown at this time what needs to be addressed.
    1. There are a few beaver issues that will need to be addressed.
    1. Red Maple Lane will need to be cleared out due to tree damage from the winter storm.  
    1. Road Review was set for April 29th, 2023 @ 8am.


  1. NPAHD Report – No report
  2. Fran Levings put in her resignation for the township representative to the North Pine Area Hospital District with a recommendation to appoint Robin Fornengo to fill vacancy.
    1. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to appoint Robin Fornengo to New Dosey Township Representative for the North Pine Area Hospital District. (Carried 3-0)
  3. TRI-TOWNSHIP Report- John Fornengo
    1. Truck has been paid off, and there is money in the account. There is 40,000 miles on the truck.
    1. John is looking for someone go to meetings.
  4. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Canesi, to change New Dosey Township Regular Town Board meetings to the second Tuesdays of the month and at 6pm. (Carried 3-0)
  5. Pine County McDermott Creek Bridge 2022 Inspection report
    1. There is excess amount of gravel on the bridge deck that will hold water and allow the potential of water leaching onto the substructure of the bridge. There also was a note about previous inspection showed loose nuts and bolts that held the spreader beam.  And wanted verification this was done.
      1. Nuts and bolts have been tightened and the gravel will be removed this Spring.
  6. New Bank signature cards were filled out to send to the bank.
  7. MATIT Insurance sent a form showing Estimate coverage amounts to the township policy for period of July 1st, 2023- through June 30th, 2024.

Anything else to come to the board? – NONE

Next meeting is Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 @6:00PM

Meeting adjourned at 6:50PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tamara L Miritello, Clerk