Annual Town Meeting, March 11, 2008


Meeting called to order at 8:30 p.m. by clerk Fran Levings. She reminded everyone to sign in and to help themselves to coffee and treats.

Head Judge Evelyn Johnson read the statement of the results of the election. Supervisor (3 yr. term)- Ed Carlin- 5 votes, Don Mishler-12 votes. Clerk (2 yr. term)- Fran Levings-17 votes.

Jim Allen nominated Todd Elliott to serve a meeting moderator, second by Evelyn Johnson. Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Agnes Sexton, to approve the minutes of the 2007 annual meeting. Carried. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Vicki Elliott, to approve the minutes of the special town meeting held on Aug. 10, 2007. Carried. Motion by Evelyn Johnson, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the minutes of the special town meeting held on Oct. 1, 2007. Carried.

Town treasurer presented the annual treasurer’s report. (On file in township minutes book). Motion by Agnes Sexton, second by Ed Carlin, to approve the ’07 treasurer’s report. Carried.

ANNUAL CHAIR’S REPORT: (Vice-chair Dave Baker gave the report because chair Dave Fornengo was not present.)

1. The proposed road work for ’07 was drawn up in June and completed by Todd Elliott Excavating by Dec. ’07. By a vote of the electors at a special meeting in ’07, School House Road was opened as a minimum maintenance road.

2. Work is needed on the Ennerstrom Road. A landowner on Willard Munger Trail wanted some work done by the township and Mr. Baker explained the procedure for getting this road opened. Via a conversation with a DNR person, Mr. Baker learned that the DNR would do the work on the Munger Trail if he township provided the gravel.

3. Clint Elliott has applied to be given the township lawn mowing job for ’08. Consensus was to give him this job.

4. Vice-chair Baker read the annual Fire Department report.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Helen Allen, to accept the chair’s report. Carried.


1. Clerk Fran Levings asked for a moment of silence for Peter Fornengo who passed away in November,’07.

2. The lawsuit initiated by Jerry Hanson against Tim Henderson and the Township has gone to trial. Judge Reuter must rule within 90 days of Feb. 21, 2008.

3. The township now has a website

4. The clerk now has a printout of the names and addresses of all property owners in New Dosey Township.

Motion Jim Allen, second by Vicki Elliott, to accept the clerk’s report. Carried.

ANNUAL ZONING REPORT: (Clerk Fran Levings is the interim zoning administrator)

1. Nine land use permits were issued in 2007.

2. The Township passed a comprehensive Land Use Ordinance in July ’07. It can be found on our website. Copies of a summary of the ordinance were published and are also available by calling the interim zoning administrator.

The ZA asked people to be on the lookout for mobile homes moved onto property because it may be a violation of the section of the ordinance which mandates that there be only ONE principle dwelling/20 acres.

3. Ed Carlin volunteered to fill the seat on the Planning Commission that was vacated with the death of Peter Fornengo. Jim Allen, whose term expires this year agreed to serve another 2-year term. Other members of the Planning Commission are Todd Elliott and Allen Wolf, terms expiring in ’09. Fran Levings is an automatic member.

4. Members of the Board of Adjustment are Jason Fornengo, Agnes Sexton, and Deloris Schirmer.

5. Pine County is in the process of writing a new Septic Ordinance.

6. The township will be doing its own minor-subdivisions from now on.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Ed Carlin, to accept the zoning report. Carried.

Dave Baker explained the need to raise the levy for ’09. We need to raise it to qualify for gas tax monies and we no longer get money from the county for stumpage. Motion by Dave Baker, to keep the General Fund levy at $5,000 and raise the Road & Bridge levy to $15,000. Second by Jim Allen. Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Fran Levings, to not authorize any pay raises this year. Carried.

Dave Baker explained that the township was in violation of a state statute that says we cannot spend more to plow private driveways that is collected in fees. We spent about $800 more than we took in. He presented a draft copy of an Ice & Snow Removal policy. It very closely follows the policy put out by the Minnesota Ass’n of Townships. Agnes Sexton expressed a concern that perhaps a fee of $60/hour would be cost-prohibitive for some of our residents. She said plowing is the only thing we get for our taxes paid. Motion by Ed Carlin, second by Allen Wolf, to charge a flat fee of $120 for the plowing season. Carried.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Ed Carlin, to contract for services with Family Pathways and the Seven County Senior Federation for $300/each. Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Beverly Carlin, to contract again with the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department for another year. Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Tri-Township Disposal District rate change from $39/parcel to $30/parcel. Carried.

Dave Baker explained the state energy audit that the towship had completed and sent in. He suggested looking in to the possibility of windmill at the town hall. Minnesota is the 4th largest wind-producing state in the nation. Motion by Fran Levings, second by Vicki Elliott, to authorize Dave Baker to do a windmill study. Carried.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Fran Levings to continue to use First National Bank of the North as the township depository. Carried.

Motion by Vicki Elliott, second by Beverly Carlin, to continue to publish township notices in the Evergreen, Askov American, and the Pine County Courier. Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Vicki Elliott, to set the 2nd Tuesday in March,2009, as the date for the next annual meeting. Carried.


1. Deloris Schirmer expressed concern about a culvert on Hay Creek Road. She is expecting a washout

2. Beverly Carlin reminded the group that a new housekeeper will be needed when Evelyn Johnson moves from the township this spring. Evelyn said that Peggy Coveau may be interested.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Vicki Elliott, to adjourn at 9:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the vice-chair________________________

Date Signed _____________________________________