MARCH 20, 2008
Meeting called to order by clerk Fran Levings at 7:30 p.m. Present were Dave Fornengo, Dave Baker, Don Mishler, Vicki Elliott and Fran Levings.
Supervisor Don Mishler was sworn in to office by clerk Fran Levings.
Clerk Fran Levings was sworn in to office by chair Dave Fornengo.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to nominate Dave Fornengo to serve as chair of the Board. Carried.
All officers signed the officers form to be sent to the Minnesota A’ssn of Townships.
Clerk distributed certificates of election to Don Mishler and herself.
Clerk said she was re-appointing Beverly Carlin as deputy clerk.
Motion b y Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to accept the recommendations of the electors and have contracts for services with Family Pathways Senior Services and the Seven County Senior Federation for $300 each. Carried.
Motion by Don Mishler, second by Dave Fornengo, to hire Clint Elliott to mow the lawns at the town hall and cemetery for 2008.
Dave Baker brought chair Dave Fornengo up-to-date on the windmill project and the Ice & Snow Removal Policy. Mr. Baker said he had spoken with a person from ECE and the dealer who installed a windmill for the Audobon Center of the North. Said he had learned from ECE that this part of Minnesota is the worst for wind power in the state. He will continue looking in to the issue. Regarding the Ice & Snow Removal Policy, Dave Fornengo suggested a refund for persons who do not use $120 worth of plowing.
Clerk said the policy could come up for review at the next annual meeting.
Clerk Levings presented the Burning Permit Policy of the DNR. Persons with a permit are now required to call a toll-free number to register the permit.
Pine County Public Works has 2 snow plow trucks up for bids. Supervisors said they were the wrong size for us.
Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the chair____________________Date ____