April 2008 – Merlin “Boots” Raboin


Merlin “Boots” Raboin is one of the most colorful people to live out here in the little hamlet of New Dosey.

Boots was born on Columbus Day in 1934. He acquired his nickname during the years of the Great Depression. His family, like so many families of those years, were poor. There was no money to buy boots for the 9 youngsters. When Merlin was about 5 years old, a neighbor asked him if he wanted a pair of boots. These boots were about 3 sizes too large, but Merlin loved them! He wore them everyday and even slept with them at night. Hence, the nickname “Boots”. Coincidentally, Boots has a cousin also named Merlin, who was given the nickname “Boots”.l

Boots’ parents were Celina and Leo Raboin and Boot was right in the middle in age of the 9 children. He attended high school in Somerset, Wisconsin, where he first became interested in boxing. It was a sport that he was good at inspite of his small physical stature. He got to be quite “feisty” with his boxing talent.

While serving in the Army from 1957-59 in Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, he did a lot of sightseeing and still has memories of the Smithsonian Institute. He became a crack shot in the Army, which was interesting because he had never used a gun as a child. His family was too poor to own guns. In the Army, he shot a 238 out of 250 possible on the rifle range.

His boxing continued while in the Armed Forces. He joined an amateur Bantam League for the 118# class. He also was a Golden Glove boxer for years, but decided not to turn pro.

The Army also trained him as a lifeguard. This was invaluable training because he saved a young boy who was drowning. Have him tell you that harrowing story sometime.

When he left the Army, he moved to a country area just west of Stillwater and went to work as a blueprint operator for 3M, a job he held for 31 years, retiring in 1996.

He was married in 1959 to Barbara Schaeffer. Although the 2 of them have been divorced for 15 years now, they have remained good friends.

Boots is the father of 4 children- Sons Terry and Andy live in St. Paul, Dan lives in Chisago City, and daughter Lori lives in Stillwater.

Boots has been using his retirement to meet his need for reading. His love of reading started in high school, where he always had “his nose in a book”. True-adventure stories are his favorite genre.

He also strongly enjoys hunting and raising pheasants.

We all enjoy having this quiet, friendly man in our midst.