Board Meeting, April 14, 2008


Meeting called to order at 7:31 p.m. by chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were supervisors Don Mishler and Dave Baker, treasurer Vicki Elliott, and clerk Fran Levings. Also present were Todd Elliott and Robin Poppe.

Special guest Robin Poppe, Wetlands specialist for the Pine County Soil and Water District, spoke on new rules coming out regarding wetlands. She distributed a fact sheet on the De Minimis Exemptions available. The wetland replacement ratio will go up either from 1:1 to 1:1 ½ or 1: ¼. The purpose of the new rules is to make the Soil & Water rules more in line with those of the Army Corps of Engineers. Rules on Wetland evacuation may tighten up. It is up to the landowner, not the contractor, to get authorization before changing wetlands. Contractors, however, are encouraged to not do any work that has not been authorized by Soil & Water. The application fee is now $75.00. Army Corps of Engineers has made some implausible ties between sites and waterways. Todd Elliott asked some questions about some jobs he has coming up. Don Mishler inquired about rules regarding replacing township culverts. Ms. Poppe said there is a one-page application, but if nothing is being altered, an application may not be necessary. The same applies with township ditches. Todd Elliott asked about “wetland credits”. Someone eliminating a wetland may purchase banking credits from someone who has created wetlands. An application for banking wetlands credits is available. Credits run from 30-35 cents/sq. foot.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to approve both the minutes for the regular monthly meeting of March 10, 2008, and the meeting of the Board of Re-Organization of May 20, 2008. Carried.

Treasurer Vicki Elliott presented the April treasurer’s report. (Attached to file copy).

Fund Balances- General Fund $32,280.91

Road & Bridge Fund 2859.16

Cemetery Fund 221.52

Fire Protection Fund 0.00

Fire Hall Fund 309.07

CDs $90,327.47

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the treasurer’s report. Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List for Approval and the Net Employee Pay List. Motion Dave Baker, second by Dave Forengo, to pay these claims and bills. Carried. Clerk was asked to contact other gas companies in July for competitive rates and programs.


1. Fire Departent evacuation plan was posted on the notice board by Don Mishler.


1. The Planning Commission met on April 2 and elected Todd Elliott chair. They also set a fee for a minor-subdivision application at $125.00.

2. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to pass a resolution requiring the County Auditor’s office to notify the township of any certificates of minor-subdivision in our township that have not originated with the township. Carried


1. Dave Baker reported on a study he is doing regarding the possibility of alternative energy for the township. He said the wind factor in this part of Minnesota is on an average of 7-9/mph and therefore not conducive to a windmill project. He suggested that perhaps solar power would be more cost-effective. He will come to the May meeting with more information. He also expressed his concern that the town hall and fire hall should not be using 400 kwh/month. Dave Fornengo said that “on demand” water heaters have some problems. He will get more information about them and he will also call East Central Energy about an energy audit of the premises. Don Mishler asked about maintenance on solar panels. Dave Baker said that rebates are available for the state. He will research them.


1. Discussion of the possible need to purchase a different snowplow truck. Todd Elliott said the 2-speed in the rear end of the truck is going out. Don Mishler suggested checking the switch. He said there are other problems with the truck also. He didn’t think a trade-in would get us anything. He suggested we check with Surplus Supplies in Arden Hills to check out any vehicles they may have. Todd Elliott recommends an automatic transmission. Don Mishler said he would get the clerk a contact number for Surplus Supplies.

2. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to hire Peggy Coveau to be the 2nd housekeeper, replacing Evelyn Johnson. Carried.

3. Dave Fornengo and his father would like to build a base for the bell in honor of Peter Fornengo. He asked supervisors to bring any ideas to the May meeting.

4. Short Course reports- Dave Baker reported on the differences between an employee and a contractor, and the coming required to have reflectorized road signs. Fran Levings reported legislation coming up and some new budget and payroll techniques that she learned about. Vicki Elliott reported on a fire department section she found worthwhile.

5. Don Mishler reported that hardly any elected officials attended the Pine County Ass’n of Townships meeting in March. There is now a Pine County deputy stationed in Sandstone.

6. Dave Baker reported that 4 property owners came to the Board of Review meeting that afternoon seeking answers and/or redress.


1. Dave Baker reported that Judge James Rueter has given his ruling on the lawsuit of Hanson VS Henderson and New Dosey Township and he ruled against the plaintiff, meaning that the disputed road is not a road and the township has no authority or obligation regarding this old road.

2. May 10, 2008, was set as the date for the annual road review.

Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the chair: _______________________

Date signed ______________________________.