With farm conglomerates and agri-business farming so prevalent in our society today, it is refreshing to still see an occasional family farm left in our area.  One such place is the farm owned and operated by Ed Carlin and his wife Beverly that is located on Rutabaga Road right here in New Dosey Township.


            Edward James Carlin was born on June 3, 1942, in Morris, Minnesota.  He is the 3rd from the youngest of 9 children born to farmers Edward Harold Carlin and his wife Vivian Lillian (Corcoran) Carlin.  Ed attended school through the 8th grade in Morris, but, as was very common with farm kids back in the 1950s, Ed dropped out of school to work on the farm.     


The family lived on the Morris farm until Ed was 15 years old, then moved to a different farm at Herman, Minnesota.  He lived at this place until 2 years after his marriage.


Ed’s aunt and uncle took him to a dance back in the early ‘60s and when they returned to the aunt’s home, she asked him to give the babysitter a ride home.  That babysitter was a young girl named Beverly Whalen.  They had a nice visit on the drive to her home and the relationship continued and Ed and Beverly were married in September of 1964.


The young couple eventually moved to Colombia Heights where Ed worked for Hy-Pro Pumps for 29 and ½ years, retiring in 1994. 


They owned a cabin on Timber Ridge Road off McDermott Creek Road in New Dosey Township, so after Ed retired, and since it had always been a dream of theirs to get  back to farming, they bought the farm they now own in September of 1994 and moved north.   The main emphasis of their farm is beef cattle and pigs.


Ed and Bev have 6 children- Son James and his wife Bonnie live in Isanti.  Son Bob lives with them.  Son John and his wife Kay and 2 children, Ian and Nathan, live in Zimmerman, while daughter Angie and her husband Brian Steele are from Alexandria.  Daughter Jenny and her husband Rob Gerske live in Princeton and son Bill and his wife Amanda and their son Benny live in Sandstone.  That leaves the youngest son Dale who lives in Askov.  All of the Carlin children have done well which is a testament to the good parenting of Ed and Beverly.


Ed has always been active in township affairs.  He was a  town supervisor for over 10 years.  He currently serves on the township planning commission and is a member of the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department.  He is employed part-time as the driver of the truck for the Tri-Township Disposal District.  He is also a member of the Catholic Church in Sandstone.


Ed leisure time activities include hunting, fishing, and, as he says” I like to have coffee with the guys at the Main Street Grocery in Askov every so often”


Ed Carlin is a hardworking, friendly person who has proven himself to be a valuable member of our community.   It is a good feeling to have a real farmer out here.