Meeting called to order at 7:34 pm. by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Don Mishler and Dave Baker, Treasurer Vicki Elliott, Clerk Fran Levings, Jason Fornengo and Todd Elliott.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2008, meeting as printed. Carried.
Treasurer Vicki Elliott presented the Treasurer’s Report. (Attached to file copy of these minutes) Fund Balances were:
General Fund $3344.90
Road & Bridge Fund 683.90
Cemetery Fund 154.02
Fire Protection Fund 108.34
Fire Hall Fund 309.07
Cartway-Proffit, Hanson 1795.55
CDs 70501.44
Motion by Dave Fornengo to cash in CD # 124417 in the amount of $24,021.43 at First National Bank of the North and to distribute the funds as follows: Checking account at First National Bank of the North- $17,024.43 and set up a Savings account at First National Bank of the North in the amount of $7000.00. Second by Dave Baker. Carried.
This CD can be cashed in prior to January 18, 2009, with no interest penalty. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the Treasurer’s report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List for Approval and the Net Pay for Employees to the Board (attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler to pay these bills. Carried.
- 1. Distributed 2009 meeting schedule. Reminded the Board the Board of Re-Organization meeting will be on March 17 and the meetings in both April and October have been moved to the 2nd Wednesday due to Easter Monday and an observed holiday. Copies of the calendar are posted on both the bulletin board and the outside notice board at the town hall.
- 2. Said she had returned a check in the amount of $50 to the Markville Community Club explaining that our township does not charge a fee for hall use.
- 3. Read into the record a letter from attorney Jay Squires stating that the lawsuit has now been officially closed by his office. (This letter is on file with the township)
- 4. Said she had gotten a call from a Diane Steen whose family wishes to put a gravestone on the grave of Gustav Ristam in our cemetery and had asked if they could remove part of the lilac bush growing by the grave. Consensus of the Board was to grant her request.
- 5. There will not be public transit in Pine County after all due to state budget cuts.
- 6. All IRS forms have been prepared and sent.
- 7. Returned a report to the County Auditor’s Office stating that New Dosey Township does not have any indebtedness.
- 8. Inquired about the possibility of updating the Honor Roll plaque that is in the town hall. Suggested bringing various names of citizens who have contributed to our community to the annual meeting and asking to have their names placed on the plaque.
ZONING REPORT: 1. Form returned to the U. S. Census Bureau that there has been no new building construction in New Dosey Township in 2008 and there are no homeless shelters in our township.
- 1. The Board discussed some plowing concerns that had been raised by some resident. They asked Jason Fornengo to plow the Kingsdale Road.
- 2. Dave Baker updated the Board on the Wind Meter. It had not been working for about 2 months. Alan Holter has been the “troubleshooter” and has made several calls to Davis Instruments in California about the problem. Bob Brewster did get the meter to work on his home computer and, later this week, Mr. Holter, Mr Brewster and Al Wolf will see if it works on the computer at the fire hall. The Board thanked Mr. Holter, Mr Wolf and Mr. Brewster (ArnaTec Systems) for their work on this.
- 1. Dave Fornengo reported that he had noticed that some of the information on the Website needs to be updated. The Clerk said she will take care of this the next time she meets with the Webmaster. She reported that she had looked at some of the streamlining the Webmaster has done with the site and is very impressed
- 2. Dave Fornengo said he will contact Scott Olson to get some ideas on how to get the fuel tank working.
- 3. Dave Baker reported that Roger Larson plans to bring a petition before the Board asking the township to extend the so-called Kirchberg Road for ½ mile beyond the minimum maintenance road. If this happens, steps are in place by law on how to proceed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Chair____________________________
Date signed _________________________________________________