FEATURED RESIDENT- Marlene Mishler-JULY-2008
If you take a drive down to the end of McDermott Creek Road to the west in our little township, look over to the left and you will see the beautiful yard and home of Marlene and Don Mishler. You may think that you are viewing a scene right out of BETTER HOME AND GARDENS. It is that lovely.
Marlene was born on May 25, 1939, in Duluth, Minnesota, to Ruth and Walter Bailey. She was the 2nd youngest of 6 children. Her family lived in Minnesota for several years before settling in Des Moines, Iowa, where Marlene started kindergarten. She graduated from Des Moines Altoona High School in 1957.
She married Frank Bowman right out of school. Frank was a plumber and they had one daughter Pamela. During their marriage, Marlene worked for IMI Cornelius in Anoka and they lived in Andover. After nearly 23 years of marriage, Frank died of cancer.
Marlene married a co-worker of hers at Midstate Electrical Manufacturing in north Minneapolis. His name was Don Mishler and he had property here in New Dosey township right next to his mom. They were married in 1982.
Upon retirement in 2001, she and Don moved to Cloverton and built their dream home. Between the 2 of them, they have 8 grandchildren.
Marlene is an active member of the East Pine County Wanderers, our senior citizen organization. She represents this group on the board of the Seven County Senior Federation headquartered in Mora. She is also a member of the Zion Lutheran Church in Markville.
She was hired by the Township in 2000 and been working since then as one of our housekeepers of the town hall.
Marlene is a potter. For many years before moving here, she owned and operated a kiln and made lovely ceramic objects. This avocation was a big part of her life, but she discontinued it after her retirement. She has not, however, stopped doing the crocheting, embroidering and needlework that she so enjoys.
Marlene Mishler is a delightful, interesting and vital member of our community and we enjoy having her here.