Those present were Fran Levings, Margaret Coveau, Marlene Mishler, Dave Baker, Don Mishler, Beverly Carlin, David Fornengo, Edward Carlin, and Ken Coveau.
Meeting called to order by Clerk Fran Levings. She reminded the group that treats were available and the regular meeting of the board would be on the 3rd Wednesday of March as opposed to the 2nd Wednesday. Board will meet this month only on March 21st.
Head Judge Margaret Coveau read the results of the Board of Canvass for the election. Dave Fornengo received 11 votes for Supervisor and Fran Levings received 11 votes for Clerk.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Ken Coveau, to have Ed Carlin be the moderator for the meeting. Carried.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Ken Coveau, to approve the agenda for the meeting. Carried.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting of March 8, 2011, as read. Carried.
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Ed Carlin, to approve the minutes of the Special Town Meeting of October 21, 2012, as read. Carried.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Board of Audit report of February 15, 2012, as read. Carried.
Treasurer Margaret Coveau presented the Annual Treasurer’s report. This included a Statement of all records for each fund in 2011 and a list of all receipts and disbursements for 2011. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Margaret Coveau, to accept the Treasurer’s Annual Report. Carried.
Dave Fornengo presented the Annual Chair’s report. He distributed copies of the 2011 Road Work Order. He also said the township has a shortage of Class 5 gravel and that the Board will ask all road contractors to carry away and dispose of any culverts that they are hired to remove. He also reported that the Cartway status is that petitioners are at the step where wetlands mitigation expenses must be paid. They have been at this step since August of 2011. Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Margaret Coveau, to accept the Annual Chair’s report. Carried.
Vice-Chair Dave Baker reported that the Alternative Energy program has been up and running since the fall of 2011. It will be a long time before this program starts saving the township money. The project went about $2000.00 over budget due to unanticipated expenses. Motion by Fran Levings, second by Margaret Coveau, to accept the Vice-Chair’s report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings distributed copies of the 2012 budget. She reported that the Perpetual Care program had brought $340.00 in from individual and couple donations and $380.00 in from the Cloverton Garden Club. Motion by Margaret Coveau, second by Beverly Carlin, to accept the Annual Clerk’s report. Carried.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Dave Fornengo, to leave the levy amount the same , but to change the distribution to: General Fund- $12,775.00, Road & Bridge Fund-$22,725.00 and Fire Protection- $4500.00. Carried.
Zoning Administrator Fran Levings reported that 5 Land Use Permits were granted in 2011- 2 mobile homes, 2 storage sheds and 1 recreational dwelling. Motion by Margaret Coveau, second by Beverly Carlin, to accept the Zoning Report.
Motion by Ed Carlin, second by Ken Coveau, to not authorize any pay raises this year. Carried.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Margaret Coveau, to not make any changes to the Plowing Private Drives policy. Carried. Dave Baker suggested asking participants to flag any obstructions in their driveways.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Beverly Carlin, to make the following Contracts for Services – Seven County Senior Federation- $100.00, Family Pathways Senior Services- $50.00 and the Pine County Historical Society- $50.00. Carried.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Dave Fornengo, to contract with the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department for fire protection for another year. Carried.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Margaret Coveau, to continue banking with Northview Bank. Carried.
Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Margaret Coveau, to continue using the Pine County Courier for our legal notice publications. Carried.
- Motion by Fran Levings, second by Margaret Coveau, to donate any unused kitchen dishes to the One-More Time Thrift Store that is operated by the Seven County Seniors Federation. Carried.
- Dave Fornengo reported on the Sign Reflectivity Project- The township must be in compliance with the federal mandate in order to apply for FEMA funds. Our township is in compliance. Dave Fornengo has done the work on this.
- In response to Dave Fornengo’s request for any questions or comments from the voters on township operations, Ed Carlin requested that driveway owners be notified if the plow truck breaks down.
Motion by Fran Levings, second by Margaret Coveau, to set the next Annual Meeting for the 2nd Tuesday in March 2013. Carried.
Motion by Ken Coveau, second by Beverly Carlin, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Moderator ___________________________________