Meeting called to order at 1 p.m. by vice-chair Dave Baker. Also present were Pine County Assessor Larry Veldhouse, Township Assessor Bob Brewster, Supervisors Don Mishler and Dave Baker, Clerk Fran Levings, Ron Petroske, Ross and Dan Adrian, David Fornengo, Wayne Mishler, Marlene Mishler, and Ed Proffit.
Mr. Veldhouse explained that since Dave Fornengo served as chair of the Board and was in attendance about evaluation concerns of his own and since Don Mishler serves as a Board Supervisor and two relatives were present with concerns, the policy should be that Dave Fornengo, Wayne Mishler, and Marlene Mishler could only line up the perameters at this meeting, but should appeal to the Pine County Board of Appeal for final disposition of their case if necessary. This would avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest.
Mr. Veldhouse referred all complainants to a yellow sheet he had distributed. It explains that Taxable Market Value for property, established about 5 years ago by the state legislature, has now been eliminated by the state legislature. Therefore, the estimated market value is used now. Mr. Brewster stated that all values are one year behind.
Ron Petroske- R20.5026.000- (Kingsdale- across from former Ida Licht property)- Said he did not have $18000.00 in improvements. Said he had turned a garage into a cabin. Mr. Brewster said that he had met with Mr. Petroske priot to this meeting and he now offered some corrections- (1) will change interior from drywall to ½ drywall and ½year paneling. (2) floor has cracks, so an adjustment will be made. (3) year built was 1968, not 2006, Overall rating of the structure was “below average”. Mr, Veldhouse said that a new evaluation notice will be sent.
Ross & Dan Adrian- R20.0012.000 (On State Line Road). They questioned the evaluation of the structures. Mr. Brewster said there is $14000.00 for being on a road and $13000.00 for having a building. There was 10.5 acres of swampland. Mr. Adrian said he did not have a loft and drywall should be changed to min-wool paneling.. Year built was 1986. Overall quality rating of “below average”. Mr. Veldhouse recommended that Adrian’s change from a Sustainable Forest Plan to a Forest Management Plan.
David Fornengo- R20.0279.000 and R20.0280.000 (On Rutabaga Road)
Mr. Brewster said that buildings have been removed from evaluation on R20.0280.000. Mr. Fornengo was concerned about one parcel being a separate parcel, thus a separate evaluation. Mr. Brewster said he will reconsider the percentage of swamp land to 4 acres of low ground and 3 acres of high ground. Changing the swampage should reduce the evaluation from $23000.00 to $18000.00. In going through each factor determining the value of the house on R20.0279.00, Mr. Brewster said the dimension of the upstairs will change, so the new evaluation will not be assessed for as much space
Wayne Mishler- R20.0254.000 (On McDermott Creek Road- his mother Lydia’s home)
The parameters in this situation did line up, but Mr. Mishler claimed that the house was no longer livable. Mr. Veldhouse told Mr. Mishler that he would have to appeal this to the County Board of Appeal and that this evaluation was for 2010 taxes, not 2009
Marlene Mishler- (representing Pamela and Brandon Mau) R20.0153.000. 20 acres by intersection of Squib Creek Road & Hay Creek Road. Mr. Brewster said that he had made an error and there are no structures on this property and a new evaluation form will be sent.
Ed Proffit- R20.0264.000 Questioned the evaluation of his father Alfred Proffit’s property. 200 acres. Mr. Brewster 62 of these acres were swampland. Because Alfred Proffit was still alive in 2009, the evaluation for 2010 will not change and for 2011, Ed Proffit could change the designation for “Relative Homestead” classification.
The following persons were represented by letter-
Thomas Sand- R20.0436.000 (Pete McGough’s condos on Hwy 24)- 3 acres. Assessed at $178,000.00. Bought for $40000.00. Mr. Brewster had met with Mr. Sand on 04-11-09. He recommended 3 ideas for consideration- (1) /change “recreational” to “seasonal recreational” (2) depreciation due to deterioration (3) Change frontage feet from 1200 ft. to 300 ft.
Richard Elliott- R20.0459.000 and R20.0461.000. (Little Ox Creek Road)- Regarding R20.0459.000, Mr. Brewster reported on a conversation he had with County Assessor Mike Sheehy in which Mr. Sheehy said that via a lengthy conversation with Mr. Elliott, concerns on this parcel had been straightened out. Regarding parcel R20.0461.000, Mr. Brewster said he could see changing swampland from 5 acres to 8 acres
Brad and Shannon Hemme R20.0517.000 (Betty Lee’s former place in Kingsdale) Mr. Brewster said the property was originally under-valued, so this year’s assessment brought the evaluation up to par. Also, the house will now be noted as a medium-cabin and the estimated year being built is now 2003. These changes will reduce the evaluation.
The New Dosey Town Board then met to hear Mr. Veldhouse and Mr. Brewster’s recommendations. These recommendations are outlined in these Minutes for each person who attended or sent a letter. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to accept the recommendations of Assessors Veldhouse and Brewster.
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk Also signed by the Chair____________________ Date_