Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Jason Fornengo and Dave Baker, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Beverly Carlin and Lawn Mower operator Wayne Hessler.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Minutes of May 10. 2017. Carried.
- General Fund $822.99
- Road & Bridge Fund $72,855.28
- Cemetery/Landscaping Fund $3,404.68
- Fire Protection Fund $20,284.82
- Fire Hall Fund $125.45
- Driveway Fund $5,434.01
- Savings Account $1,161.34
- CDs $46,537.31
- TOTAL FUNDS $150,680.54
Motion Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List & the Net Payroll List for approval.
- Pine County Recorder 3 Plat Books $75.00
- Pine County Treasurer Assessing $817.00
- Wayne Hessler Lease & Gas $75.00
- Cheryl Fornengo Flowers-Cemetery $73.46
- Matt Volkmann Town Hall Siding $5,150.00
- AT&T Telephone/Internet $95.76
- MN Ass’n of Townships Training Fees $100
- ECE Electricity $48.00
- Dave Baker Mileage- 1 trip $51.00
- Fran Levings Mileage- 2 trips $69.36
- Robin Fornengo Flowers-Town Hall $18.43
- Quarry Greenhouse Flowers-Town Hall $95.93
- Office Max Office Supplies $34.99
- Dave Baker $200
- Beverly Carlin $100
- Dave Fornengo $250
- Robin Fornengo $60
- Mandy Fornengo $165
- Jason Fornengo $75
- Wayne Hessler $250
- Fran Levings $400
- Frank Rehberger $200
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay these bills. Carried.
- The township now receives (via Outlook email) reports & updates from the State Auditor’s Office. The clerk reads all of them and takes care of what is relevant.
- LOCAL UPDATE CENSUS ADDRESSES request will be coming this summer in advance of the 2020 census.
- Annual Demographic Report was received- Population of the township (according to them) is 71 and there are 36 households.
- 6 Land Use Permits have been granted since April 1.
- Clerk will now issue Septic Applications to persons whose Land Use Permit application requires them. The completed applications will be mailed to Dave Fornengo, Septic Administrator.
- Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to use the same rates as Pine County for the Septic application fee.
Complete System ($300), Holding Tank or Privy($125), Replacement or Drainfield ($175) Carried.
- 2017 Road Work Order- Supervisor expressed concerns about Squib Creek Drive getting enough gravel on it this summer. Chair Fornengo is working with Pine County to get more Class 5 gravel. The township will contract with Ryberg for the crushingl
- North Pine Area Hospital District Report- A Strategic Planning Committee is being formed to make long-range goals.
- Noxious Weeds- The current issue of the Minnesota Association of Townships magazine had a lengthy article on Noxious Weeds. By statute, townships are obligated to look for them, then deal with them. This issue was tabled while the Chair researches it.
- Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornego, to renew a contract with Robert Brewster for assessing for the coming year. Carried.
- The Board began a discussion of the possibility of asking the voters to approve changing to a combined position of clerk/treasurer when the current clerk resigns.
ANYTHING ELSE TO COME BEFORE THE BOARD? Superviser Jason Fornengo reported on a request from Equipment Operator Frank Rehberger to purchase a better air compressor. Baker said there is one in the fire hall. Supervisors will check it out.
Meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk
Also signed by the Chair _____________________ Date _____________________