Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were the following: Supervisor’s Dave Baker & Anthony Fornengo, NPAHD Representative Fran Levings, Clerk Tamara Miritello via phone and Treasurer Wayne Hessler was absent.


Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the agenda. (Carried 3-0)

Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the minutes from May 11th, 2022 meeting. (Carried 3-0)

Treasurer’s Report and Cash Balance Statement – tabled (Carried 3-0)

                                Books are still being worked on by MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) trainer

Clerk Tamara Miritello prepared and presented the Claims and Payroll list for approval.

CLAIMS – June 2022

                AT&T                                                     Phone/Internet June 2022                                           $137.73

                ECE                                                         Electric June 2022                                                            $56.00

                Dave Baker                                         Tri-Township Meeting                                                   $50.00

                Bruno Deep Rock                             Fuel                                                                                       $1,218.69

                Robin Fornengo                               Reim. Supplies                                                                  $154.30

                Jason Fornengo                                Roadside Brushing June                                                $3,240.00

                                                                                                                                                     TOTAL            $4,856.72

PAYROLL – June 2022

Dave Baker                                                                                                                         $100.00

Anthony Fornengo                                                                                                          $100.00

Dave Fornengo                                                                                                                 $125.00

Jason Fornengo                                                                                                                $550.00

Robin Fornengo                                                                                                               $50.00

Fran Levings                                                                                                                       $85.00

Tamara Miritello                                                                                                             $165.00

Doug Wiita                                                                                                                         $737.50

                                                                                                                TOTAL                $1,912.50

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Anthony Fornengo, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)


  1. MAT trainer is still working on our books
  2. Notice for Primary Elections – Mail in ballots will be sent out around July 19th, 2022.
  3. New Dosey Township Population and Household estimates
    1. April 1st 2021 population – 88
    1. April 1st 2021 Household – 36
  4. Township Legal Seminar
    1. Saturday, September 17th, 2022 @ Rutledge
  5. Upcoming training for Head/Election Judges for new equipment
  6. Robin request for new vacuum
  7. Looking for Deputy Clerk


  1. Road Work –
    1. School house, Loggers Lane and Doyle Lane done
    1. Matt Lourey Trail shouldn’t disk, rocks need to be removed.
    1. Right away clearing – school house and Matt Lourey.
    1. Dave Baker received a call in regards to the turn around on Squib Creek Road – Board will see how next season goes.


  1. NPAHD Report –
    1. The annual audit of the district’s finances was completed by Esterbrooks Certified Public Accountants in Duluth. They determined that all financial records of the district are in order and they perceived no concerns.
    1. The Hospital District will have an informational booth at the Quarry Days celebration in Sandstone on August 13th.
    1. A graduation ceremony was held on May 19th for the 13 people who completed the Emergency Responders course sponsored by the Hospital District.
    1. Dr. Thomas Witt, Admin for Essentia- Sandstone and Moose Lake reported that the Pine Medical Board is increasing its membership and would like 5 more community members to join. – The board meets quarterly.
    1. Dr. Witt also announced that Essentia-Sandstone opened an “Urgent Care” program recently.

Anything else to come to the board? – NONE

Next meeting is AUGUST 10th, 2022 @7:30PM

Meeting adjourned at 7:57PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tamara L Miritello, Clerk Also, Signed by the Chair____________________________________________________