Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were the following: Supervisor’s Dave Baker & Anthony Fornengo, Clerk Tamara Miritello, Treasurer Wayne Hessler, Deputy Clerk & NPAHD Representative Fran Levings along with Scott Trenholm from the public.
Scott Trenholm said we are doing a great job with our roads.
Motion by Anthony Fornengo, second by David Baker, to approve the agenda. (Carried 3-0)
Motion by David Baker, second by Anthony Fornengo, to approve the minutes from February 8th, 2023 meeting. (Carried 3-0)
Treasurer’s Report and Cash Balance Statement – tabled (Carried 3-0)
Our accounts are running low and we have a check coming on Friday from Pine County for our gas tax that will be roughly $10,000.00. That will cover the next two months of bills and payroll. Treasurer Wayne has presented to the board to move money from Savings along with cashing in the current CD to hold us over until larger checks are deposited this coming summer. We also have filled with FEMA for reimbursement for cost that we have paid for storm damages over the December 13-15th,2023 time period.
Books are still being worked on by MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) and Clerk Tamara Miritello.
Clerk Tamara Miritello prepared and presented the Claims and Payroll list for approval.
AT&T Phone/Internet March 2023 $97.77
ECE Electric March 2023 $62.00
Deep Rock Fuel Invoice #12805 & 12615 $1,244.32
Northstar Media Notice for Election & property ass. $216.86
Tamara Miritello Reimbursement – travel clerk training $142.80
TOTAL $1,763.75
Dave Baker $100.00
Dave Fornengo $650.00
Fran Levings $90.00
Wayne Hessler $210.00
Tamara Miritello $475.00
TOTAL $1,525.00
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Anthony Fornengo, to pay these bills. (Carried 3-0)
- MAT trainer is still working on our books – Email handed to the board per MAT trainer. (Added to the end of the minutes)
- Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting April 20th, 2023 – 3pm @Pine County Govt center in Sandstone
- Clerk training – Tuesday February 14th, 2023
- Timecards and claims must be filled out by individual and signed in order for payment. All forms must be submitted by Monday prior to meeting date. Clerk can no longer fill out timecards or claims for other individuals.
- Please cash claims and payroll checks within month that it has been written, this will help with our accounting process and was one of our issues with balancing in past years.
- Monthly minutes cannot be published before board approval. They will be posted the night of the following meeting after board has approved.
- Credit card purchases prior to board approval needs a motion from the board.
- Motion by Anthony Fornengo, seconded by Dave Baker to approve the use of the Credit card purchases of $500.00 and less during a given month. Carried 3-0
- Board of Reorganization – Reschedule to March 28th, 2023 @5pm.
- Will post on website and Newspaper
- Pine County does well water testing as of March 8th, 2023.
- Residents desiring well water analysis are able to pickup sampling kits at the Pine County Planning and Zoning office located in Sandstone. The test offered will be nitrates and E. coli. Additional parameters may be tested upon request. Sample kits can be picked up any time during business hours (M-F8am-4:30pm) Sample collection must occur no earlier than noon on Tuesdays and submitted to Zoning office by 4:30pm the same day. Results submitted directly to customer from the laboratory. Cost is $23.10/sample for E. Coli and $28.88 for Nitrates. Any questions contract Pine County Planning and Zoning Department @320-216-4220
- Pine County Township Officer’s meeting, March 25th, 2023 @ 9am at the Hinckley Community Center.
- Spring Short Courses hosted by MAT – April 7th, 2023 in Duluth.
- Road Work/snowplowing/private drives
- Grader was up and going with new parts. However, the wing has a swivel bracket that looked like it had some welds done to it previously, but they didn’t replace the swivel bracket and the pin ended up snapping. Dave has a it priced out at $250 for replacement.
- We do have someone interested in the old grader, but we are waiting for snow to clear to set up an appointment.
- We have fuel barrels that haven’t been utilized in a few years. Dave had someone interested one of the stand barrels, and the snowmobile club is interested in the ground one. Dave would like to use the 3rd one for regular fuel for the plow truck to have on site. There is a 300-gallon tank inside the shed for the grader, and we are inquiring to see what the fire department needs for their equipment.
- Annual meeting is March 14th, 2023 – Snowplowing will go onto the agenda as we have almost exhausted our funds for the year. We also need to address the amount of late sign ups. We went from 15 driveways to over 30 just this season.
- NPAHD Report – Fran Levings
- New officers for the Hospital District were elected in February.
- Chair – Barb Fischer – Danforth Township
- Vice-Chair – Ron Osladil- City of Sandstone
- Secretary- Brenda Langseth-Dell Grove Township
- Treasurer – Bob Springer – Hinckley Township
- Statistics for Essentia Hospital from August 1st, 2022-Jan. 1st, 2023
- 67 Surgeries
- 2832 Emergency Room Visits
- 1237 Urgent Care Visits
- 625 Hospital Patient Stays
- New officers for the Hospital District were elected in February.
Anything else to come to the board? – NONE
Next meeting is April 12th, 2023 @7:30PM
Meeting adjourned at 8:16PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara L Miritello, Clerk
Also, Signed by the Chair____________________________________________________Date_________________________