Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors Jason Fornengo, Anthony John Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello,  and Edward Proffit.  Mandy Fornengo, Treasurer, was absent.

Public Input-Ed Proffit said he was available to haul gravel this year and he presented a written bid to the Board.  Chair Dave Fornengo said he would get back to Ed after the annual road review.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Agenda.  Carried (3-0).

Motion by Anthony J. Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of the Board of Re-Organization meeting of March 28, 2019.  Carried. (3-0).

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Anthony J. Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 13, 2019.  Carried. (3-0).

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report and the Cash Control Statement as prepared by Treasurer Mandy Fornengo.

            FUND BALANCES:

                        General-                                                          $6,719.38

                        Road & Bridge-                                               $6,328.60

                        Cemetery/Landscaping-                                 $1,887.01

                        Fire Protection-                                               $13,428.02

                        Fire Hall-                                                         $125.45

                        Driveways-                                                      $6,501.26

                        Savings Account-                                             $1,163.67

                        CD-                                                                  $19,255.44

                        TOTAL-                                                            $55,408.83

            RECEIPTS- MARCH 2019

                        Pete & Tia Miller        Plowing Private Drive             $120.00

                        Micheal Schuller         Plowing Private Drive             $120.00

                        Northview Bank          Interest-Savings                      $.29

                        Northview Bank          Interest-Checking                    $4.86

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report and the Cash Control Statement.  Carried (3-0).

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List & the Net Payroll List for approval.


#7023  Tamara Miritello                    Mileage- 1 trip                                    $56.10

#7024  Coveau Excavating                  Plowing-Matt Lourey Trail N.             $300.00

#7025 Arlen Krantz Ford                    Plow Truck Repair                               $297.49

#7026  Pine County                             Election Expenses                               $142.38

#7027  Evergreen Shopper                 Public Notice (2)                                 $79.51

#7028  Pine County Courier               Public Notice- (1)                                $22.40

#7029  Askov American                      Public Notice- (1)                                $20.25

#7030  Dave Baker                              Disposal District Meeting                   $50.00

#7031  Beverly Carlin                         Election Judge/Moderator                  $80.00

#7032  ECE                                          Electricity-April 2019                          $59.00

#7033  Frank Rehberger                     Reimburse-Motor Oil                         $15.99

#7034  AT&T                                       Telephone/Internet-April 2019          $97.03

#7035  Fran Levings                            Mileage-3 trips                                   $147.90

#7036  Office Depot                            Office Supplies                                    $18.00

#7037  U.S.Treasury                            1st Qtr. Payroll Taxes                           $1,189.58


            Anthony J. Fornengo-              $300.00                       Fran Levings-               $795.00

            Dave Fornengo-                       $375.00                       Tamara Miritello-       $210.00

            Jason Fornengo-                      $200.00                       Frank Rehberger-        $200.00

            Mandy Fornengo-                   $120.00

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to pay these bills.  Carried (3-0).


  1.  Thank-you cards received from Seven County Senior Federation, Family Pathways and Pine County History Museum for the $250 donation.
  2. Date to Remember- September 7-Township Legal Seminar- Rutledge Town Hall.


  1. Supervisors discussed the request from a property owner to purchase the land next to him that is owned by the township. Chair Fornengo researched the issue and reported that the township can legally sell this property.  This property was given to the township from Pine County with the understanding that it would be used to benefit the town.  The plan then was to construct a building on it for the purpose of storage.  Since this never happened, motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to learn the process and put the land for sale.  Carried (3-0).  Clerk will contact an attorney at MAT for advice on the procedure.
  2. NPAHD Report- Representative to the District Board Levings distributed a flier about the hospital district.  She also reported that the District Board recently approved a motion to provide funding of $350,000 towards the construction of an ambulance garage, sleeping quarters for firefighters/EMTs, maintenance building and administrative offices to be built on the hospital campus.


  1. May 6 was set as the date for the annual Road Review. No decision  will be made during this review. Suggestions for necessary road repair and work will be listed and voted on at the Board meeting on May 8.
  2. Chair Fornengo is developing a “Contract for Services” between the township and the prospective 2019 road contractor(s). He will draft an ad with a bidding process to be placed in the 3 newspapers, the website, the bulletin board and the outdoors notice board.
  3. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Anthony J. Fornengo, to hire Doug Wiita as the grader operator for the summer at a rate of $25/hour.  Carried (3-0).
  4. A lawn mower operator will be hired in May.  Don Eddy has expressed his interest in no longer doing this job if the township can find a replacement.  Tamara Miritello has expressed an interest in the position.
  5. Deputy Clerk Miritello inquired about the possibility of purchasing bulk oil for our equipment.  Chair Fornengo responded we do not use enough that it would be financially worthwhile. 
  6. Pine County Township Officers Meeting- Clerk Levings reported that the following  comments were included in speeches at the meeting- (1) State Senator Jason Rarick said he continues to work and broadband accessibility and he is willing to compromise on the gas tax increase.  (2)Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan said that the Republican governor and legislature of Alabama recently passed a gas tax increase.  (3)Pine County Chair Josh Mohr said that 40% of all roads in MN are township roads. (4) Pine County Sheriff Jeff Nelson said that meth and alcohol are the main sources of crime in the county.  We do not have an opiod crisis. (5)The new Pine County Assessor, Lorri Houtsma, introduced herself and reminded the group of the Boards of Review coming in April. (6) Kelly Schroeder, Pine County Auditor, said that the 2 special elections cost the county $20,000.  (7) Katie Draper, Governmental Relations Director for the Mille Lacs Band, outlined several of their activities. (8) Ben Weiner spoke for the Pine County VA office. 
  7. MAT Short Course- Attended by Clerk Levings and Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello.  (1) The legislative priorities for 2019 include advocating for a $20 million increase in transportation spending.  MAT  is neutral on the gas tax increase.  MAT is supporting funding in the amount of $70/per biennium for Broadband funding.  This would help fund the Border-to-Border Grant Program.  Increasing funding for the Town Aid program is also a priority.  (2) Township Officers were strongly encouraged to send emails in support of good legislation for townships to our elected officials.  (3) A break-out session on Good Meeting Minutes encouraged Clerks to be sure to give the reason for motions that may be questioned and to put the vote count in the minutes.  It is not necessary to write what everyone said and it is recommended to not use Robert’s Rules of Order as they are so complicated and stringent.  (4) Other sessions dealt with the bidding process, financial fundamentals, and an update of the CTAS Chart of Accounts.
  8. The township culvert policy was reviewed.  Chair Fornengo has gotten a request for a culvert to be installed on the Kingsdale Road.  He will find out whether or not the property already has a culvert or not.  Consensus was to not change the culvert policy.


  1.  Supervisor Jason Fornengo reported on a complaint he had gotten regarding the condition of Loggers Lane.  He told the person that the road review will provide an opportunity to examine the road.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk           Also signed by the Chair ___________________ Date _________