Meeting called to order at 11:10am by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Pine County Assessor Lorri Houtsma, Township Assessor Bob Brewster, Supervisor Anthony J. Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings and Tom Gahler.  Supervisor Jason Fornengo was absent.

Property owner Tom Gahler presented his concerns.  His property identification numbers are R20.0247.000, R20.0241.000, R20.0245.000 and R20.0243.000.  His local address is 69926 Rutabaga Rd., Sandstone, MN  55072. 

Mr. Gahler’s primary concern was regarding parcel # R20.0247.000.  He had recently had it appraised by appraiser Jeff Moffet and the value of the cabin was put at $30,000.  This is considerably lower than the township assessed value.  Mr. Brewster responded that the cabin rating had changed from “Below Average” to ‘Fair”.  Ms. Houtsma wants to see the appraisal done by Jeff Moffet.   A decision will be made on the value of the cabin after the two assessors have reviewed the appraisal. 

Mr. Gahler then questioned the assessors value put on a pole shed.  Mr. Brewster explained the 4 amenities that are used to place a rating on a building- (1) electricity (2) water (3) septic and (4) driveway.  He said that Mr. Gahler’s pole shed had 3 amenities- electricity, water and driveway. He also said that a taller building gets a higher rating, thus a higher valuation.

There was also a discussion between Mr. Gahler and the 2 assessors regarding wetlands- high land versus lowland.

The two assessors then answered some questions that Chair Fornengo had regarding the assessing and review process.

Motion by Anthony J. Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to accept the plan of the two assessors.  Carried (2-0).

Meeting adjourned at 12:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk                    Also signed by the Chair ____________________  Date ______