Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Dave Baker and Jason Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Don Mishler and Klint Wylie (Wolf Creek Dirt Works). Absent was Mandy Fornengo, Treasurer.
Clerk Fran Levings swore Beverly Carlin in as the appointed Deputy Clerk.
PUBLIC INPUT- Klint Wylie, Sturgeon Lake, introduced himself and explained his roadside brushing program and presented a handout on his prices.
Motion to approve the Agenda with moving OLD BUSINESS- 1-Garage Door Opener to the beginning as to accommodate Don Mishler in not having to stay for the entire meeting made by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker. Carried.
- Garage Door Opener- Mr. Mishler said there was no room for an overhead unit. Supervisor Fornengo responded that units are now side-mounted. Chair Fornengo said he would order a garage door opening unit.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Minutes of March 14, 2018. Carried.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to approve the Minutes of the Board of Re-Organization meeting of March 29, 2018. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report as prepared by Treasurer Mandy Fornengo.
General $1,494.58
Road & Bridge $13,892.93
Fire Protection $21,362.07
Fire Hall $125.45
Cemetery/Landscaping $3,172.85
Driveways $6,587.44
Savings $1,162.22
CDs $46,998.05
Supervisors signed the Cash Control statement balancing the bank statement with the CTAS balance as of February 28, 2018. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo , to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll list for approval.
Dave Fornengo Mileage- 1 trip $47.94
ECE Electricity-April 2018 $55.00
Fran Levings Mileage-2 trips $90.78
Dave Baker Mileage- 1 trip $40.80
Pine County Courier Public Notices $131.16
AT & T Telephone/Internet $88.99
Robin Fornengo Town Hall Supplies $29.99
Chris’ Food Center Catering-Reception $59.05
U.S. Treasury 1st Qtr. Payroll Taxes $976.14
Dave Baker $450.00
Beverly Carlin $110.00
Dave Fornengo $500.00
Jason Fornengo $550.00
Mandy Fornengo $220.00
Robin Fornengo $40.00
Fran Levings $840.00
Frank Rehberger $200.00
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried.
- Thank-You letters were received from the Seven-County Senior Federation, the Old School Arts Center and Family Pathways Senior Services for the donations they received.
- Legal Township Seminar will be held at Rutledge- Sept. 8, 2018
- Clerk explained the need for a new printer. The one we have has a broken tray and works very slowly. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to purchase a new printer. Carried.
- Zoning Officer Levings distributed an excellent handout on the Pine County Disposal & Recycling program.
- Septic Compliance letters will be sent to property owner where deemed necessary.
- Garage door opener- Already handled.
- Discussion of a property owner who has done work on the road into his property. Consensus was that since the township grades the road and removes the snow, we can still certify the road as under town authority.
- Supervisor Baker reported on the State Park Road Account Program which provides money for road work on those roads connecting to state forests. He will call the project director about this.
- NPAHD report- Levings reported that the board has divided into committees to work on implementing its Strategic Plan. She is chairing the subcommittee on mental health services.
- Roadside Brushing- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to rent a machine for 7 days for $2500 and to hire Jason Fornengo to brush the roadsides. Supervisor Jason Fornengo recused himself from voting. Carried. Clerk reminded the Board that the township does have a Board Member, Employee Conflict of Interest Resolution on file.
- Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to hire Wayne Hessler as the lawn mower operator. Carried.
- May 11 was set as the date for the annual Road Review.
- June 9 was set as the date for the All-Community Cleanup.
- Chair Fornengo & Supervisor reported on the Pine County Officers meeting- Update on the NLX railroad, timber wolf population in growing, and they met Micheal Miller, District 7 MAT director.
- Clerk Levings reported on the MAT Short Course- (1) 133 insurance claims were settled in 2017- the lowest in 5 years. (2) Certificates of Liability must now have $1 million in coverage. (3) New Dosey Township was added to the list to receive emails for needed lobbying calls to legislators. (4) Several bills regarding townships were mentioned at the conference. (5) Some rules for townships- Cannot send flowers or money to funerals, cannot hold fundraisers, cannot spend money on events unless approved at the Annual Meeting, may provide food if town officers are on official business, Board members cannot get driveways plowed for free, and cannot sell culverts to private citizens unless the township will install the culvert.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings,Clerk
Also signed by the Chair: ________________________ Date _________________