Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisor AJ Fornengo, Supervisor Jason Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Dave Baker, Deloris Schirmer, Don Schirmer, Beverly Carlin and Scott Wahlberg.
There was no Public Input.
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Agenda. Carried (3-0)
Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of July 10, 2019. Carried (3-0)
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of the Cartway Hearing of August 7, 2019. Carried (3-0)
Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented Treasurer’s Report and the Cash Control Report.
FUND BALANCES: General Fund- $10,519.58
Road & Bridge – $28,194.86
Fire Protection- $16,583.30
Cemetery/Landscaping- $778.59
Fire Hall- $125.45
Driveways- $5,828.03
Savings- $1,163.96
CD- $19,374.98
TOTAL FUNDS $84,568.75
RECEIPTS – July 2019
Agnes Sexton Land Use Permit $25.00
Pine County Treasurer 2019 May RPS Settlement $26,036.77
Pine County Treasurer 2018 Forfeited Tax Distribution $2,647.71
State Of MN 1st half of Town Aid (ACH) $7,087.50
Don Eddy Cartway Bond $2,000.00
Deloris Shirmer Snowplowing 2019-2020 $120.00
Tim & Connie Gohla Land Use Permit $25.00
Tania Starowoitow Donation – Cemetery/Landscape$25.00
Northview Bank Interest on Checking $4.39
Northview Bank Interest on CD $60.19
Motion by Dave Fornengo, Second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried (3-0)
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and Net Payroll for approval.
#7065 Robin Fornengo Town Hall Supplies $6.00
#7066 NAPA- Sandstone Brake Fluid $26.99
#7067 Federated Co-op Safety Exam $36.85
#7068 Purple Pumper Septic Pumping $175.00
#7069 Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. Fire Protection- 1yr. $4,500.00
#7070 Dave Baker Tri-Township Disposal Meeting $50.00
#7071 AT&T Telephone/Internet $97.40
#7072 East Central Energy Electric Bill July/August 2019 $112.00
#7073 Dave Fornengo Lease/gas & Cartway Hearing $200.00
#7074 Jason Fornengo Lease/gas & Cartway Hearing $175.00
#7075 Fran Levings Cartway Hearing $125.00
#7076 Tamara Miritello Cartway Hearing $50.00
#7077 Northstar Media Cartway Legal Notice $73.57
#7078 Don Eddy Cartway Bond Refund $1,526.43
#7079 U.S Postal Service Postage $55.00
#7080 Northview Bank Checks $164.90
#7081 Ace Hardware (Webster) Landscaping Supplies $40.07
#7082 Ed Proffit Road Work $2,280.00
#8026 Adam Fornengo $184.70 #8025 AJ Fornengo $92.35
#8024 Dave Fornengo $115.44 #8023 Jason Fornengo $92.35
#8022 Julia Fornengo $150.06 #8021 Mandy Fornengo $110.82
#8020 Robin Fornengo $36.84 #8019 Fran Levings $360.16
#8018 Tamara Miritello $46.17 #8017 Doug Wiita $935.04
Motioned by Jason Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to pay these bills. Carried (3-0).
1. Reminder Legal Seminar- Sept 7, 2019 Rutledge Town Hall- 9am-4pm.
Two Land Use applications approved- (1) Jeanie Virden- Container (2) Rick Johnson – Storage building.
- Resolution Reaffirming the Designation of Turn- Around on Squib Creek Road. Chair Fornengo read this resolution aloud (Resolution will be filed at the town hall) Deloris Schirmer again said “ that this was her property” Chair Fornengo replied that he had been advised by the MAT attorney on this Resolution. The Resolution has an Appendix A which delineates the measurements of the original turnaround. Don Schirmer express a concern with the resolution.
Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the resolution. Carried (3-0)
- Purchase Agreement with Jason Canesi. Chair Fornengo reported the Purchase Agreement has been established. Mr. Canesi will pay $500.00 for .58 acres of property which is currently owned by New Dosey Township. We are waiting for a closing date.
- Road Work – Ryberg. Co- Chair Fornengo has told Kip Ryberg that he wants a commitment by August 15th, 2019, as to when the road work will be begun.
- A commitment to donate to the Sandstone Food Shelf is being worked out.
- Plans are under way to provide FREE transportation to residents who livid within the boundaries of the hospital district to Gateway Clinic, Essentia Hospital and Thrifty White Pharmacy.
- The district is contributing funds towards a memory garden on the hospital campus.
- The township has been receiving reports of cattle doing damage to the headstones in the cemetery. AJ Fornengo reported that he examined the cemetery and noted that a fence would negatively effect a neighboring land owner. He suggested that a barbed wire fence might be a solution.
- Road side brushing. Chair Fornengo will lease a road side brusher from Diamond Inc. and Doug Witta will operate the brusher for the one week lease.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:03pm
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk Also signed by the Chair____________________________Date______